If you are Titan you may know the srtuggle of this. Sometimes I feel like being annoying on OpPvP and want to do /heal * (This heals every single player!) It can be useful at times and is also funny to do. However Sometimes when you do it this happens. It says "Error: You cannot heal someone who is dead!" I think this occurs when someone died and has not pressed re-spawn? This is really annoying as it cancels your heal! So I only got to heal 3 people when I wanted to heal everyone. This suggestion is to change this and make it so this does not stop everyone from being healed. I do understand people hate /heal * but if we are going to have it then it might as well remove the error.
You want something fixed so you can troll everyone XD neutral but I don't think it will happen because it is part of the essentials plug in unless tanner or matt or both of them pick the plug in apart
I have tried to fix a few things in essentials before, my programmer couldn't manage it so I doubt cyp would even try :P It's just too difficult to recode.
You can't remove this error. When you try and heal yourself, but you click enter right as you die, this error will appear. Likewise, when you try to heal everybody, but someone has died in the same second you click enter, this error will appear. I don't think this will be fixed as Cyp has said before they don't like editing plugins that don't belong to them.