Yo mama so ugly the army doesn't use guns anymore, they use her picture Yo mama so ugly she made a blind kid cry yo mama so ugly when she went to the bathroom she scared the sh** out of the toilet! yo mama so ugly when she smiles in the mirror the reflection doesn't smile back Yo mama so fat when she fell on the ground, no one laughed, but the ground started cracking up Yo mama so fat when she steps on the scale it says "one person at a time please" Yo mama so ugly, hello kitty, said goodbye
He just made up one yo mama joke, and you said what, 7 jokes? Also I wouldn't call him the attention seeker when you made a whole thread trying to get people to look at your "cool" burns
Its not actually trying to roast their mom LOL its jokes Google what a joke is you should try making one some time
Cause people are smart enough to know that those "your mom" sayings aren't exactly 'jokes' anymore. Welcome to 2017.
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