No offense Krissy but this is far from weird. Seems more often than not a resigned/demoted mod ends up this way here. I know more than a few mods who's forums accounts were not only banned, but deleted completely. I'm talking mods who resigned peacefully having never broken one rule. Several of the mods I speak of have come back using alt accounts. Sadly those accounts are their "new" accounts here on MV. It's rare that you don't get a forum ban these days. I was forum banned and then globally banned from every one of Crew's servers after my resignation. Having never broke one rule and working diligently for this server for 9 months. I was able to work things out with Cyp so he unbanned me on forums. My ban ingame however stuck until I finally went to Crew. Cyp and I have worked out our differences, and I am here to stay but this fate is one that every staff member risks the day they sign up for staff on mineverse. It's a huge risk to take, and maybe now you see why. I could only hope threads like this call attention to what happens to our staff and how they are treated when their time moderating is up. Want better staff? Maybe look at how they are treated and make some change. This thread will most likely be deleted, but I do hope my words are read and realized. I love this place, and I respect the owners. Some things however could change for the better.
I never banned Yin, he requested a forum ban and as far as I know he is unbanned in-game. If you really want to know why he was removed from the Minverse staff team message him in-game or Skype if you see him around. Locking thread.
Edit: I've unbanned him from the forums. If he gets banned again then I guess he wants to stay banned.