I'm pretty sure if you are a top voter and you have a rank, (unless Titan) you get upgraded to the next rank.
They don't use votemv.com i'm sure about that because I asked bananaman and I was on number one there once and cyp took just the minecraftservers.org list.
But does those people with 32 votes because of time zone count..? If Soo.... I Will quit this server. Okay not quit but i'll rage
hehe gg, you may have had some competition if my vote a few days ago hadn't refused to register itself :D
I voted a few days ago and it went through on the server, but it never appeared on the scoreboard, but it doesn't really matter :p
Please do not post back to back. You quadruple posted here and it's against our rules. If you feel like saying more please use the edit button. I've merged the posts together for you. Thanks again.