Offender's U: Diamondminer0814 My U: Jeff7744 What he did: Well if you look at the very top of the chat he diamondminer said some bad stuff and give him a jail time.
Lol you guys take things too seriously, whos gona buy that guy weed??? no one so just ignore and move on.
... They did something wrong. If somebody killed your dad would you move on like a rock fell in a creek?
that is very foul language he should have a mute or temp ban or perma ban from the server he said it on
Lets not get into a ban guys lets just say he get's like a mute or something except a ban because banning someone even tho they said only 1 inappropriate sentence is like taking things way to far.
Thank you for your report. This report has been resolved. The player was temp banned with a warning This thread was moved to Reports - Archives.