I wasn't complaining. I was just stating what it was; stupidity. Perhaps you should look up the definition of complaining before you go about using it?
Yeah, I am stupid, says the kid who would get punched in the face and would walk away without any self defense.
How dumb are you? Where are you getting all these thoughts from? If someone punched me in the face I'd punch them back more than once. This video was not self defense.
What are you saying? Why would moderators be trying to get mod if they are moderators? Also, I'm not a moderator, I'm a player. And at least my insults are pretty civilised compared to what others come out with.
You still shouldn't be disrespecting players. It decreases your likelihood of getting mod. Cyp/promoters look for friendly, mature people. Calling someone stupid makes you less mature.
Okay if you guys want to flame, go do it on Skype lmfao. If you have opinions comment on the video. If you like/dislike, leave a rating. If you wanna comment on here, don't argue. Thanks.