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  • Requirements Needed x6_1's Staff Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by x6_1, Jul 22, 2017.

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    1. x6_1

      x6_1 Active Member

      Jul 22, 2017
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      Hello, my name is x6_1 although I am normally referred to as Bran. I'm a person who loves playing Minecraft and my favourite server is Mineverse. I love playing all game-modes here on Minecraft and I play all of them pretty equally. I'm also always up for supporting Mineverse in any way I can, and I find this my next step in doing so. I've applied for moderator before and I made one application quite recently. I have changed though. I've been doing more reports and I'm always trying to find rule breakers. It's pretty hard to do so though because I'm in a different time-zone to most, although I do still find hackers and I play almost all day if I am free on weekends. I've also been told that I do tend to make my applications too 'flashy', so I've tried to lower it down a notch but still but in effort. But without anymore, let's get on with the application.


      Your in-game name

      What time-zone are you in?
      Australia, Victoria

      What country do you live in?
      I live in Victoria, South Australia

      What languages do you speak?
      I can speak English

      Do you have the necessary means of catching evidence?
      I use the built in Mac Screenshot as well as the default Minecraft Screenshots for capturing evidence that does not require video taking.
      I can take videos with the Quick Player application on the mac and upload it here via youtube.

      How long can you be active on a server each day?
      Monday - 1-2 hrs
      Tuesday 1-2 hrs
      Wednesday - 1-2 hrs
      Thursday - 2-4 hrs
      Friday - 2-4 hrs
      Saturday - 6-8 hrs
      Sunday 6-8 hrs

      Monday - 2-4 hrs
      Tuesday - 2-4 hrs
      Wednesday - 2-4 hrs
      Thursday - 3-5 hrs
      Friday - 3-5 hrs
      Saturday 4-10 hrs
      Sunday 4-10 hrs

      Please know that depending on what I have on changes. I might have something out of routine on at a certain day of a certain time that might change this graph although this is the basics of my online time. Also, I want to clarify that my time-zone is different to most and although you might not see me often it is most likely due to time-zones.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing Mineverse for around 1-3 months

      Have you ever been banned? (Forums & In-game)
      No i haven't you can check my history

      On one of the first days I was ever on Minecraft (Before I even know about Mineverse) I got banned once for advertising as I was not familiar with the rules of any Minecraft server, although that was not here in Mineverse.

      Do you have any expirience moderating?
      I have had experience on a (in game) friends server. This server was Skyblock, so I have an experience with Skyblock. Although, the server is now changing to a PvP game-mode. I have been friends with some of the moderators there and right now some of them are Moderators here on MV.

      Do you meat the requirement for moderation?
      50 Post Count - True
      2FA - True
      2 Weeks registered on the Mineverse forums - True
      Offline communication - True


      Why do you think you should become a moderator?
      I've been on enough forums and enough Minecraft servers to know how both work. I know how to easily travel the forums and all the sections and their dedicated type of post. For Minecraft, I've played it on the Xbox, IPad, IPhone and on my computer. I know that we are always getting new players on Mineverse and many of which are new to Minecraft in total. So I believe to be a good moderator you must know the game well so you can be able to help those who are new. I believe I know the game well. I also know how to recognise hacks and I have a good deal of expirience when it comes to the rules and their punishments. I also know the basic commands to moderation, although I understand their is more to it then what I know.

      I am Persistent
      I believe that being Persistent is very important if you want to become a moderator. There will inevitably be people that will put you down if you do become a moderator and you must be able to persist through the put downs and hate. Also, when you're creating reports you have to be able to Persist through them and make them well rather than just give up. I believe that this is one of the most important traits.

      I am Dedicated
      Dedication is also exceedingly important for a moderator. You have to be dedicated to Mineverse for becoming a moderator comes with having to get on daily and do your work. I might have things going on in real life although you still must be eager and dedicated towards Mineverse enough that you will play through the toughest times.

      I am Kind
      There was a time when I was known for my kindness and I had people always come to be for help since they have been told I was kind. Although, I became unkind and lost a lot of trust. I'll never have the same amount of kindness although I have stopped being mean and at all means I restrain myself from becoming that unkind person once more.

      I am Honest
      At times, it can be hard for the truth to come out. It may be hard to be completely honest, and since this is a video game, not everyone says the truth. To be honest, there has been times when even I have lied, although, I am honest when I can be and I try to make sure to be that honest person as much as I can. I know that you must be honest to become a moderator and I believe I am honest.

      I am Not Biased
      In a fight, I will do what I can to be non-biased. It's quite important to be non-biased for even if your best friend is having a fight with someone else, you mustn't just ban the other for they are not your friend b you must have reason to ban one or another and even if they are your friend, you must still ban them if they are breaking the rules.

      I am Experienced
      I have been a moderator before on a small server so I do understand the basic commands. Not only am I experienced with Moderating, I am also experienced in Minecraft and the forums itself, so I know how it works. I know also how to figure out if someone is hacking with a certain modification. Here is a list of the basic moderation commands that I know.

      /ban <username> Believe your ban is invalid? Appeal at www.mineverse.com -DeltaWolf
      /tempban <username> <amount of time> <reason>
      /mute <player>
      /mute <player> <time>
      /unban <player>
      /kick <player>

      Although I do know these commands, I understand that there is most likely a lot more to learn.

      I am Cautious
      When I was before banned for death threats, all I can say is I was not cautious. I made the death threat by accident although I accept that I did do it. Now, I try to back up my cautiousness and since I know the rules I make sure when typing that I do not violate any of the rules, for being banned is not something I want to be again.

      I am Fast at Typing
      I am a decently fast typer. This helps me when I am on the forums, when I'm making reports and when I'm responding several people at one time in chat. It's nothing big, being a fast typer, although it still does help. Swiftly responding to things has helped me big time before and will help more if I do become chosen for Moderation.


      This has been my application.
      Although it is inevitable that someone will No Support me, please don't give me No Support because I have given a no support to your friend and please don't no support me either because of my activity. I am active but as I said, I have a different time-zone.
    2. Sparky

      Sparky Retired Head-Mod Premium

      Feb 15, 2016
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      Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for staff on Mineverse.
      Unfortunately you don't meet the requirements for staff at this time. We encourage you to read the requirements needed and take some time to get to know the community here on forums.

      Feel free to fill out an application in the future.
      Volunteers are always needed.
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