LOL. I find it hilarious how staff members actually notice what's going on game when a player disrespects them saying for example. "EinsteinUncover Ordinateur7 won't do shet." He only bans people when he gets butthurt? LOL. People in chat are saying SevenMinus is hacking and others are saying fk, shet, , yet he only notices something when he gets butthurt? Damn. Where'd you find staff members? Was MV that desperate back then? Because MV chose the wrong staff members. Since the staff members only care about themselves. For instance Ordinater7 I don't even care if I spelt his name wrong because it's useless. He only bans people who are mostly innocent and are stating out facts. Fudging something wrong with this server. Ordinater7 makes me wanna commit suicide. PLease ban and perm ban him since excuses like that ban regular players. Ordinater7 makes me wanna commit suicide which means its a death and a death wish. And death intending wish. Shall I bother to bring up all the other 120391203901293+ excuses to?
If you'd like to report a staff member for not doing their job, we have a place for that here: Please do not make threads to publicly bash a staff member, or anyone for that matter. I can assure you that the moderators are working furiously to keep hackers away and keep the server clean. Closing. You can discuss this with me privately if you have any concerns.