Wear the same clothes everyday, I practially do already :D Would you rather be rich and sad or poor and happy?
Neither. Would you rather have your arm in a cast for 1 year or have to use crutches/a wheelchair for 1 year? Also, can you say the reasons why you picked a certain answer? I'd like to see the reasoning :P
if u want ;p wheelchair plz, I've used a wheel chair for 6 months but when u have to start walking again, RIP
Have the power to own any other server. Doesn't it just mean you can own any other server you want other than Mineverse xD That's cool. Would you rather be celebrated as a hero and go down in the legends and stuff for saving someone else but nearly dying yourself (You are seriously injured but you survive), OR have a quiet life, no one really knows you, you don't really help/hurt anyone since you're so far from any sign of humanity.
something else.. :> Jk jk minecraft Would you rather listen to Never gonna give you up or Justin Beiber for the rest Of your Life?
Never gonna give you up just because now it's stuck in my head Would you rather be not-very but still well-known in the whole of the Minecraft community or would you rather be extremely well-known in one of your choice servers?