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  • World Edit Commands?

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Acii, Apr 18, 2015.

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    1. Acii

      Acii Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      Whats up guys? I have a question for you super-genius gamers on Mineverse. So, can anyone give me some world edit commands? I mean, I already know //set (block), but I don't know things like, how to set light blue wool, stained clay, stained glass, different types of wood, etc.
      I also would appreciate knowing how to make spheres, and other shapes! I've heard somewhere you could make mountains? Well idk, just tell me any commands you know and that'd be great.
      Also, does anyone know any cool other commands, for pets, and people, and stuff like that? Basically if you're good with commands just tell me some and their meanings, (KEEP IN MIND, I'M [VIP]) So yeah, any cool commands you know would be appreciated! Thanks!!
    2. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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      You can find the item IDs **here**.

      Find the block you want to place, and type //set (ID).

      For example, let's say you wanted to place birch wood planks, you would do:
      //set 5:2

      You can find the ID here:


      I suck with world edit, so maybe other people can help you better. xD
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