I found this site on Skyblock Forums and decided to make a Thread here as well :> Go to this link: Typing Test English - 10FastFingers.com After you get your result, remember to post a picture of it! Click on the "Save Screenshot" button or Ctrl+Print Screen, open Paint: Ctrl+V and crop it if you want, and then save and post! :> Remember: No Pictures = Fake|Lying [if its an extremely high number] Here are my Results: First Time trying it out :p The Second Time I tried it :> I decided to play some Music, and this is the result :D o.o What's your Results? :3
http://gyazo.com/e5c4e093428188c317500bfdd01a6103 I cry 2nd try: http://gyazo.com/8b09024c2736a55f9f1220a2543f50a2