Well Madi. You are basically amazing. You are definitely one of my top friends by far. I love you to bits and just messaging you makes me happier. Although, I still wish we talked more, even though we talk quite a lot, but more is better! I know you agree with that. Honestly, I'm so happy that I've been privileged in that I can call you a friend (A gorgeous and grand friend) and be able to message you and talk to you about literally anything and at any time. You are fantastic! I can't get enough of you. You just brighten up my day, and I cannot thank you enough. Love you lots and lots Madila <3 Well, you may be new the forums, but I honestly think you are doing a grand job here and trying to become known and be friendly on here. I see you replying to moderator applications all the time, which is great! I hope you enjoy your stay here on the forums :D Yo yo LlamaHoe! We don't really talk, if at all. I also want to just wish you the best of luck as I believe you are currently applying for a moderator position. (I have yet to support, which I do - You are a very friendly person, from seeing you in-game). That's all I can really say, from my standpoint. OOOOOOOOO NIGHT BAE. What normally happens with these is what I'm going to do now. We honestly should talk more often, though I still see us as pretty good friends! And it's awesome when I do manage to catch you in game, although, the numbers, what do they mean!?!!?!?! O_o Thomas, Thomas, Thomas. I was over the moon when you were promoted to mod. I knew you would get the position and a well deserved position indeed! You are a bloody good mod and although you got your group of haters, screw them ;) They are wrong about you. You've proved yourself and I'm glad you have done so. I also want to say never explain the reason why you refer to me as "God". That would start an up-rival. Rude!!! So, let's continue. You are quite a chilling character who, as I've noticed you think you are one of the most hated on Mineverse. I'd honestly beg to differ on that opinion. You are a pretty nice guy. Keep it up ;) Nick. I've known you for ages. OG OP Prison players ftw! From the beginning, mainly form when you first applied for the position, I always told you you'd get it. I always believed you would. When I was mod here, I recommended you to be checked, and sure enough, you were promoted. I'm upset about the fact that we don't get you moderate together, which honestly would be amazing (Maybe one day, we will). I'm also glad to call you a good friends. We've been through a lot, mainly drama wise from the server, but we've lived. I'm also happy that you are truthful and will actually help me and tell me what I'm doing wrong, which I thank you for. I'm still working on the last thing you told me, and I will continue to do so. Thank you, Nicholas (Lol) <3 MJ! How are you? I am fine! I honestly do like the name change btw, it pretty darn sexy if I do say so. Although, I will miss by lovely CountryGirl, but I know you are still the same person. Also, I have a question. Why are you not mod yet? Like, for real though, just hurry and get the position already! Please, do it for me? <3 - I know you will get it, don't worry. When we first started talking, I didn't think we would grow as strongly as we currently are, but I'm not complaining at all, you are an honest and genuine soul, with the added trait of being a lovely and sweet person who is easy to talk to (Alsovery pretty!) and I love you <3 Carolyn, you sweetie pie! I miss you a lot, tbh. We need to talk some more! You are a joy to talk to and by God we need to talk some more. I'll be messaging you on Skype while writing this, so be happy that I've stuck to my word. I'm delighted that we managed to become friends, mainly through the use of the Dubtrack, which I have faded away from, though I do enjoy the talks that happen there. I also want to say another "WOW" to the picture, cause by God you deserve a wow, stunning. <3 Hey, Disc! Another person I'm happy to call my friend! As this is a tbh, I will be honest and say something which I hope you respect. When you were first promoted to mod, I was quite sceptical of you, I wasn't overly sure what to expect from you. Then after the reports came, it was clear you weren't quite ready for the position. Which I was sorry to see. I'm also sorry that it never lasted too long, or as long as you quite hoped. Though, I do hope maybe you try again here? We'll see what happens in the future. Yo yo Herf! I was gutted to hear about your resignation, although I completely understand your decision, education > Gaming, right? Gotta put yourself first in those situations, which you did and I give you my full respect for doing so, many just end up going inactive for a long while, just to be demoted. I hope you re-apply some point further down the line. You are a good mod, good at catching hackers for sure! Which is what we need here. Best of luck in school and best of luck here. :D You are honestly really cool! You like to get yourself noticed, which I think is awesome. I'm not sure, but I think you like me too! <3 I don't often see you on OP Prison anymore, so I'm not quite sure what happened there. But your activity on the forums is awesome! I'm glad you've joined and become this way. Maybe in the future you could even apply for a mod position here. I'd support you completely. ANNA! I view you as a friend, and I hope you view me in the same way. I know you are not the most liked person on here, which is within reason, that you and I talk about. Though, I see your good side, which I have mentioned to you. And I hope you know that I'm glad and I'm happy that you are this way. I'd love to see you be more serious about applying for mod, though Cyp said not to. I find that unfair, as I know you can change if people gave you the chance to. You are a sweet girl, Anna. I hope you see that yourself. Also, stop saying your are ugly, because, you ain't! O Savannah, the lovely Savannah. You are great. Everything about you is great. You are my best friend. I love talking to you. I'm over the moon that we now have more than 1 way to properly communicate to one another, I'm so hyped!!! YAS. You are gorgeous, too and something that I don't like, is my jealously towards that dog! Like, for real, it is stealing my space! On a real note. I'm so, so, so happy for you! You finally got your well deserved position as mod here! I know for a fact you are will absolutely amazing here. Cyp made an amazing choice with choosing you. Do us proud bae, do us proud. I love you and always will <3 FYI - I'm totally going to think of a nickname for you. Cheetah, hey! I see you around here quite a lot. I like quite a lot of your opinions and ideas, they are very good. I also think you have a great shot at moderating on day on here. Maybe next promos? I guess we'll wait and see. I don't really know what else to put, besides keep up the great work. And by doing so, you will gain the position you oh so seek. AH, Scorvix honey! AWESOME MOD, just thought I'd make sure you know. I was delighted to work with you, though for a short time. You'll be missed within the team, I can assure you. You will also be remembered in a good way, you are awesome. Since I'm being nice, can I get your sister's number now? No? Okay :( Rodeen! We've had our ups and downs. I hated those downs. I honestly did. I missed you a lot, which I totally not why I ran back and apologised for everything. I love you so much and I wish you the best of luck in becoming a mod here, as I know that's what your heart desires, besides me of course <3 You are beautiful and fun! That's a great combo if you ask me. You are also caring, which I love about you and I respect you and appreciate you. I know that you'll answer me if I message you to. I hope we can improve on how often we do talk though, as I love it. I enjoy talking to you so much. Don't leave please! Hey, dood! You are a good friend whom I've recently again started talking to, which I am happy about. Mainly about the fact we can trust eachother with what we say, we can share things about eachother that I wouldn't with some others. Bros dude, that's what we are. Never forget it. You are a kind individual, which I guess others don't see. Their loss, that's what I say. I get to see you that way, that's what counts. We're definitely talking on Skype shortly. YR, le badass! You are a funny guy, I must admit. You also get confused by me, which I have noticed :p You are one of the main people on here who for some reason pops up a lot in my notifications! Why you do dis!? Tell me pls! I hope we continue our antics on here, that'd be pretty damn awesome babes! <3 Janice! I love you! You are honestly so sweet and caring, which I think is amazing. You are a loving person and I knew instantly that you'd be loved by others on here. You are the sweetest person I've ever met. You are a great mod too, but you a because you banned me ;-; - I don't mind that tbh, I won't ever let that get between our friendship. Still, After reading this message me your Skype name please? I love talking to you! WE NEED TO TALK MORE PLEASE! OMG Shelby! I'm extremely happy that you got the position! YAY! You are my beautiful Shelbae and I want to call more with you, but I rarely ever can, which is upsetting, you are a very fun individual. Soon though, we will talk about and I can laugh at you, but also compliment you and congratulate you, using actual words on the gaining the mod position! YES BAE! You will do great, and I thank you for being amazing, super and fantastic. Love you <3