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  • NA WilliamAfton1987 Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Vincent~, May 17, 2019.

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    1. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Could you possibly point out my spelling error? If possible, I tried my hardest to make sure everything was spelled right and proof read everything twice but I may have missed something. But thank you for the feedback!
    2. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      When I actually read over your application after your response above it doesn't make sense at all. It doesn't seem you know what the apostrophe or comma key are used for since not once did you use them in the proper areas seeing as how many you missed in your application. I know grammar isn't everything to be a moderator but it doesn't look good in my opinion when you're 17 years old. I changed over to no support mostly because I don't see you online for long from what I've noticed you're on like maybe 15-20 minutes before going away and you don't seem that out there in my opinion you say 'hi' or 'hello' when you get on but that's about it. I don't even remember you from 3-4 years ago (assuming you mean 2015/2016) and that was when I was here as moderator so I was on a lot, what gamemodes did you play back then?

      You make more than one spelling error and/or use of improper wording to where it doesn't make much sense: (There's more I could quote but really if anyone wanted to see for themselves replying to your application would show all of them underlined in red meaning it doesn't know what that word means or the word you tried to say doesn't exist which is fine for things like Mineverse, it'll do that but for others you should probably right click it and spell check it just a heads-up).
      Also.. what does this even mean? It wasn't a yes or no question?
      You should probably read over this again and fix these little issues. But as I said before grammar is not everything for this position, just thought I should add this since you did ask above and I never stated why I switched to no support before.

      One final thing I just want to get clear.. are these accounts all you? (They've been logged into pretty recently too only about a month-ish ago).
      @TheGoldenMangle @Hope
      I decided to do some research to see if you were banned or not since you weren't clear about that and what I found was reports made by the user above using your in-game username for example:

      The username 'MoonFrost860' as well as 'TheGoldenMangle' used to belong to you and only you. I do hope you know you're only supposed to have one account on the forums not multiple.
      I personally don't think you lost access to them but that's just me. Good luck nonetheless and hopefully you can clear up my thoughts.
      Last edited: Jun 9, 2019
    3. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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      Sure you make a good point, but what worries me most is how you had the time to literally read through his entire application and look for inconsistencies or grammatical issues.
    4. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      This took like 5 minutes if not less, all I had to do was reply to the thread and put it in the box that I'm typing to you right now in and look for what was underlined in red with the wiggly line.
    5. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Everyone is human and makes mistakes especially in spelling. I personally type and read too quickly to the point I miss spell and sometimes glance over but I do indeed try my best to catch the errors I make.

      Same with you about the being active for 15-20 or so minutes. I do start convos with people in the chats and we talk and have a nice conversation. I mostly speak up when someone needs help or so and I watch and see whats happening while at times I'll talk to people here and there and say hello to players. After some time seeing everything is ok, no hackers or filter by-pass etc I will leave to another gamemode and do the same. See who needs help and talk in chat.

      Back in 2015/16 I was a prison only player. I only played prison and that was it. I was not known in any other gamemodes. I only stuck to prison period. I personally never saw you as a mod maybe of the time zones or just really awful timing on both ends to the point we never did meet back then.

      I been on mineverse since 2014 or so. I lost both those forum accounts. I don't have access to the emails and I don't know what passwords are linked to those account. I am very much aware that I'm only suppose to have 1 account on the forums. I have given up to the point in trying to recover things that is nearly impossible to recover. Old passwords and emails I never used are lost in time by now. I had to remake my main email and remake passwords for accounts. When I decided to rejoin the forums I went with a new account. I have spoken to a mod in the past if I remember correctly about deleting the accounts but was told it's such a hassle to do since the co-owner or owner has to get involved.

      I respect your opinion and the feedback. I would like to add this as well:
      I noticed a lot you seem to be digging into people past and "exposing" them (In my eyes.) on their mod apps. I feel like you want to be mod so bad you go out of your way to dig deep into peoples past and just show/say needed things. I'm saying this as nicely as I can. I do wish you luck on your app but you seem beyond childish and seeing this entire mod thing as a game. Like you start all this unnecessary fighting/drama on mod apps to make you and you only look good for mod. Thats just my own opinion.
    6. Swift

      Swift Boss Member

      Dec 29, 2015
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      Well that accusation of me being online for only 15-20 minutes is completely incorrect. Don't try to throw this back at me because I caught on to you doing it from my view. This is on your application not mine as I was just pointing out what I've seen. More than enough people would know I am online a lot. Overall what I'm trying to say here is it doesn't feel like you're a player instead you're a mini-mod or trying to be instead of just playing the game, I'm on Skyblock constantly just playing but also chatting and trying to help others if they need it.

      It is not my fault that you made me dig in your past (and you're really the only one to be honest I don't usually dig in the past for anyone else more or less it's present evidence that I give them) because you made it so vague in your application. "Poor memory" on being banned just feels like a weak excuse to that question, that's why the archives exist to search it up (as long as someone had reported and a mod didn't log it themselves but I feel like from how you typed it in your application you didn't search at all really) and that is how I found your other accounts. I'm not trying to make you look bad but like I do really think it's fair to ask these types of questions because let's say this account thing was true then you'd be breaking a rule and I feel like in that scenario the players should know who they're supporting. I'm not doing any of this because I dislike or hate you but just to give you a heads-up, this is not meant to be rude. If it helps me improve or if I'm breaking a rule I'd love for people to tell me about that on my application so that I know I messed up and should stop breaking that rule to get further into trouble. Again no hate towards you and I do hope you get the position and am able to improve on your mistakes as I wish to do the same. I hope you don't see this as flame as I'm just trying to provide my opinion of what you've decided to say.
    7. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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      Yeah, no comment.

    8. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Tbh I'm done replying. The first few sentences seem rude to me. Again it's all my opinion and how I see things. This seems to me like fuel to start drama on my application and honestly I will not feed into anything of the nature or add to the fire. I wish you the best in your application as well though and I hope you have a good day.

      @hangman787 Just curious you don't have to answer either if you do not want. I saw you changed from neutral to no support. Just curious why again you don't have to answer if you do not want to. (Tried cleaning up a double post. Sorry.)
      Last edited: Jun 8, 2019
    9. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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    10. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Oh my god xD
    11. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Deleted it. Thanks again for keeping an eye out for people.
    12. Deivid0ze

      Deivid0ze Well-Known Member

      Aug 9, 2016
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      I'm gonna say No for now.

      From what I remember on prison, you were easily triggered by other players and you instantly went back at them. This was perfectly showed off in your conversation with @Swift . After a few arguments about you, you instantly started talking about Swift's "issues". I don't respect that and it's not a moderators trait to be like that.

      I also feel like you're hiding a lot behind your personality, for example, back in 2016 prison you were a girl and now from nowhere you're Vincent? Sounds funny, but I have a feeling that you're hiding a lot more than that. Moderators are something you can trust and if you're hiding a lot of the common information then I can't really trust you can I?

      As Swift said, you also have a lot of grammar issues. You say that you try your hardest to fix the issues, but by reading your text it really doesn't seem like you're trying at all. It's not hard to read through what you type, especially when your grammar issues are so obvious. Please fix these things, I can't see you moderating this server at this current state.

      Edit: Double posting isn't nice btw
    13. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      I get where you are coming from.

      Over the months I pulled myself together. Got a lot of my emotions and stuff under control. It's been (correct me if I'm wrong) a year now since prison. I feel like I have heavily changed over that period of time. I feel like I handled the situation really well. I refused to have a heated argument on my app and I shut it down. I'm not gonna say names but I have seen drama on other apps go on and on and I did not want that here period.

      Um I don't know how to respond to the personality thing.. If I have to be honest and blunt... I will but only if I legit have to. It's something I don't feel ok talking about on my app personally. Again if I legit HAVE TO I will be blunt but not on this app where everyone can see.. Please dm me on that if you want to know or if you want it cleared up. Sorry but to personal to answer here.

      I am working on getting in the habit of checking spelling/grammar. I type way to fast and read to fast I can very easily miss something. I feel like I'm doing better than before though but thats my opinion.

      Overall I understand where you are coming from and respect your opinions. Thanks for the feedback.

      P.s. Deleted the double post just now.
    14. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      “How long can you be active on the server everyday? Yes.”

      That’s good from you, I like this bloke.
    15. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Sorry I don't understand?
    16. Feurin

      Feurin Boss Member

      Sep 3, 2014
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      Gotta be Australian to understand my words. :) Figure it out and you’ll have my judgement on the app. Ciao
    17. VexxPanda

      VexxPanda Experienced Member

      Apr 21, 2014
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      No Support, You are active on forums and in game but you don't engage yourself with the community, I see you play around on kits and op but not say a single word, get to know the community you want to staff for, I will give full support if you start engaging yourself with the community!
    18. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      I see where you are coming from.

      When I join a game mode I say hello or hi at first. If someone needs help I step up and help. Otherwise I’ll play the game mode like everyone else. I’ll work on skyblock or survival and keep an eye on chat. Only times I don’t speak in chat are when someone isn’t talking to me, I’m making a report or I’m working or playing the game mode myself and having fun.

      Thank you for the feedback.
    19. its_tuber

      its_tuber Active Member

      Mar 30, 2018
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      Neutral leaning towards support!
      (+) Active
      (+) Reports
      (-) Just came back after a long time of not being on Mineverse
      (-) Try to regain a bit of experience.

      Once these changes happen, I will support you best of luck!
    20. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Experienced Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      Thank you for the feed back!
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