I have no frienfs and I am new. please b a little friendly. p.s. if ppl want to get a mod they need to be more friendly. like reach out to new members. we are just like dirt. no onre likes new ppl. please someone be my friend :(
IGN andrewswj. Feel free to contact me by Convo too :P Newbies are very. Untainted by the world of Mineverse, where things will change real quick :P
Herro, I was new not long ago and I know how you feel :( I am very happy to be your friend! My ign is AussieEmo and I am always on the forums so if you want to chat just pm me ^.^ Yay Friendships!
Ign: ShrektingPro, I will usually be on parkour, infection, or kitpvp. Feel free to contact me there, or start a conversation! Welcome to the world of Mineverse:p
My ign is RandomNinja14. I am usually on faction or infection. Friend me! If you ever need anything let me know in a pm or something and I got you! Or you can ask any of the wonderful people above! Welcome to Mineverse though! If I see you in-game I will make sure to say hello lol