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  • Why is the Server Losing Popularity?

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Shadowz_x, Apr 27, 2019.

    1. Lamborghini

      Lamborghini Active Member

      Mar 31, 2019
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      I most definitely agree with you. The server is just beyond toxic, and the only thing that could keep this server flourishing is newcomers. We need to encourage newcomers to stay and not leave after a 10 minute session. I personally feel like we need to completely reform the rules and make them stricter. That way, players will refrain from violating the rules. Adding back the old game modes will drastically increase this servers player-base! If we leave MV how it is, the server will only decline from here. I see people doing drop parties and giving everything there is to their name on OP because they’re quitting. The staff team needs to make concise changes and really deliberate on what could stop the server from already declining.
    2. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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      they can revamp whatever they want to, fix whatever they want to, or even add things.

      the server isn't how it was anymore. people who were here arent here anymore. things that were here arent here anymore. nothing is the way people loved it.

      @CypriotMerks thank you for your perm bans, very beneficial!
    3. ImMrStealYoGurt

      ImMrStealYoGurt Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
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      all I ask for is bedwars back
    4. Vincent~

      Vincent~ Well-Known Member

      Jan 9, 2018
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      The server itself is beyond toxic and players are beyond rude. Some staff dont know hacks vs legit fighting and nothing is really being kept up to date. Nothing new and prison was shut down so thats one less thing to play. Website is still the same as it was 2-3 years ago. Its just going more and more downhill and nothing is being added/reset. This server just needs a massive revamp at this point. We need more games, better staff who are trained and more alert (my opinion) and etc. Maybe bring back prison, reset survival, give kitpvp and op updates and reset skyblock etc. But good things come to a end wont be surprised if this goes under. It was fun while it lasted.
    5. OhSkqy

      OhSkqy Active Member

      Nov 30, 2018
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    6. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      bro crew shouldn't have started fixing 5 year old bugs 5 years after they were discovered.

      there was no trust placed on staff, early training was non existent. so many mods would get demoted out of nowhere just because they made a single mistake, like accidentally sharing a screenshot of the mod chat or skype chat, which was only really used to talk about life and ty players. minecraft is fun, I still play with my irl friends sometimes; however this server is not fun. it hasnt been fun since 2015-2016. introducing titan and p2w perks for it killed economy based servers like prison and survival. skygrid, which was a lot of fun, was ruined by the fact that sponges didnt protect after an update, and it was never fixed, and the grid was small. infection was ruined by ty dev updates. the staff team was ostracized by management and the community, and was ruled with draconian-esque rules. the enderportal minecart glitch was adressed 6 months after it ruined servers. crew did not look on forums for a whole year once; what do you expect would happen.

      the care and compassion and effort put into the server in 2013 that kept all the dedicated players around was yeeted out the window when crew saw an opportunity to make moneys. you can only expect people to put up with so much. i dont really blame anthony, but when he leaves you know its a sunk ship. but hey, theres a bunch of good memories and friends i made here, and nothing can last forever. its just a shame the server went the way it did.
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    7. benji

      benji Well-Known Member

      Jul 6, 2016
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      the server is dead because theres nothing original anymore. no better features than any other server and the community is terrible nowdays.
    8. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      Back 4-5 years ago we'd reach almost 3,000 people online at a time. We were usually 2nd or 3rd on the voting website because of how popular the server used to be.

      Mineverse used to be quite a unique server by going years without any huge changes or even bug fixes made the server more and more generic until the majority of the players stopped playing.

      it is 100% the administrations fault the server has become so barren. Lack of interest and when they actually implemented changes to bring in new players made the existing player base angry and leave. There is no one else to blame. People like to blame it on "Minecraft dying" but people started leaving the server long, long before the overall Minecraft player-base started to decline.

      For example, on OP Factions the majority of the player base wanted a simple reset, keeping everything how it was, with maybe a change of map, but instead, they got a complete overhaul so the existing players left and this created a domino effect. The newer players didn't stay because the older players leaving destroyed the community that the newer players wanted to be a part of but never really got the chance.

      I also see people blaming the community which just isn't true. Look at OP PvP, the biggest attraction to the server was the other players. It has no unique features that made it better than other OPPvP servers, people played because they enjoyed the community. Yes, we can be immature and toxic but not everyone is like that and the majority of us are okay with it. The only other communities that have a more active community are factions servers, which are much, much more toxic and immature than ours.
      Last edited: Apr 29, 2019

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