Keira, basically we never used to be friends and at some point you even told me you never liked me. Though, never told me why. Probably because I was extremely cool and you are lame, but y'know. Now, we are closer and you are still lame! Jokes aside, I'm actually quite happy that we are friends now, and good ones at that. I do wish however that we could talk more (this is purely my fault, because I suck - you also suck, so we have something in common). I love you a lot, probably more than you realise, maybe? Hopefully nothing terrible happens that makes us hate each other because I would hate myself and it would most likely be my own fault. ENJOY WORK! <3 So, when I first heard of you, I believe it was when you were applying for the moderator position. I never really thought a lot of you, and honestly never thought at first you would get the position, mainly due to your age (As you've heard before). You definitely proved myself and many others wrong and I respect you a lot for doing so. All-in-all, I think you are a pretty chill guy and honestly not what I was expecting. You're extremely mature and more so than a lot of people - who are older might I add. Not gonna lie, first impressions is obviously your profile picture, in which you look very nice in Then, moving onto other things. We've never really talked, so I can't say much there, but I've seen how you act and how are, per say and I actually think you are quite a nice and relaxed person, which I think is great. Message me whenever you see me in-game, or start a convo?
I love you Kyle <3 But frick you sm you made me wait like 10000 years for this omg . But thank you hun <3 I LOVE THIS TBH ;) puns and im v glad we're friends and are closer than like anything (also kinky?) <3