All so this isn't clickbait for once. I'm actually gone from the team, and figured I'd explain why. Heres my life story on mineverse. I joined around August of 2015 with my brother. We played bedwars for hours on end, and it is still one of my favorite game modes. For about 9 months straight, thats all I did. I lived through all of bedwars history technically. I became so addicted that I became #2 on beds broken and #5 in kills. I made some pretty nice friends on there like @Sando3 @pxndicorn @unspokenlyrics @XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS @Kenju. Later on, I started tryharding reports. I would do a lot a day on hackers, nothing else. At this point I had no idea that I'd apply. Btw if you're reading this rn I'm surprised you got here. Anyways, in August I decided that I should actually apply for mod. I applied on August 20th, and made many great friends while doing so @Stacker7 @Primitive @Colby! @Elliot @Methylone @Auzzi @Crazytaco @Bexrs @Connor_ @Blueman05YT. I was promoted just under 3 weeks later, and I was shy. I eventually became cool w/ most people like @Pile @Dyna_Mighty @Random @TradeOffer @Charisa @Linux @WhyteDuck @Wolfie. Anyways I enjoyed most of my time on mineverse, and it was a highlight of 2016. However, I was forced to resign on my own part. I felt as if my grades weren't up to par with what i could be doing. Ty all of you for this. IF I DIDNT TAG YOU DONT GET SALTY LOL
I'm getting saltyyy Seriously though, I did not see this coming, after all you have a lot of resignation click bait titles and you never struggled w anything that I saw. You were an amazing moderator and you will not be forgotten, and you will be greatly known for your hard work. The team will never be the same without you, that's for sure. Gl in life and I hope you do well
Demoting you on forums the second time will never be as fun as the first. Also mad, no mention of me. ihy 4 leavin
LOL IM SORRY why'd you demote me that was uncalled for just leave it and id ban a couple people here and there
Thank you for your service man I will miss you as moderator as you always made me feel comfortable :/ idk what I will do without you on the staff team.
Thank you for your service, it was appreciated. We may have never talked much, but when we did, you were sweet.
Thanks for being my friend and an awesome staff member. You were and still are amazing. (btw, my promo wave was THE best)