This is stupid my own friend adds me on skype so he could get my ip and ddos me ... just y! before the msg i say so u added me to my skype to ddos me? and well treelegs ddosed me thank u for making my life more f*** up thank u
If you need help with this just ask Daddy and he should be able to help you. I will look for his thread link
Looking into this its not even treeless They are all connected to rillakuma4/st4bbi this man is using a website (I found the link in his browser history) to ddose people because him nd his friends can't PvP. That's why (if you look into forums history) they have all been banned MULTIPLE times for hacking.
Ok, so if this is becoming a real problem for you then you're going to need to do a few things to prevent it, and it can be prevented, no need to worry. First, without a doubt, if you know you're a victim to a DDoS attack then you're going to want to ring your isp and tell them your situation and ask them to change your I.P address. Secondly what you're going to want to do is go online, and find yourself a VPN (Virtual Private Network) A few recommendations would be HideMyAss, Spotflux, EarthVPN or BlackVPN. Some of these VPN's will cost, some will be free depending ont he one you chose. What the VPN does is it negates anyone trying to resolve your I.P via Skype as you are connected to a safe and secure network. Another thing you may want to open Skype and go into "Tools" -> "Options" -> "Connections". Then enable "Allow direct connections to your contacts only" which will prevent anyone who isn't one of your friends making a direct connection to your PC meaning they can't obtain your I.P. Now, if you think this is one of your 'friends' then I'd be more then happy to help because he's probably not DDoSing you he's probably sending you Dos attack from his own PC and he more than likely hasn't spoofed or blocked his I.P meaning I can track down his ISP and you and/or your parents can have a little chat to them and tell them your situation, and even take legal action! Hooray! If you want me to help you out or explain this to you in a little more detail then please don't be afraid to msg me here on the forums.