This is probably because the server is hosted in a different time zone. I could be wrong but I think you are not unbanned yet because the time zone where the server is hosted it might not of passed midnight yet. Just wait a bit and if your still not unbanned tag a mod, also may I ask why you were banned?
i live in Europa but i got banned by Clxrity or something on MST wich stands for mountain standard timezone in mst america it is like 12:10 now
Weird, @PandaBear__ @Dyna_Mighty are both online right now but I believe only the person who set the ban is allowed to unban you. It might be different in this case since the ban is supposed to be over now. Also post a screenshot of the exact ban message. Good luck
Sometimes it doesn't directly unban you when you are supposed to be. Wait till tomorrow or after a server restart.
Mountain Time, that's the timezone in which bans end. So, whatever timezone you are in, convert 12 MST to that.