Vote for #28, he is da best! Edit: I'm sorry for this topic being so controversial, I didn't really intend for anyone for being hurt. If you do want to support your mod then probably share this thread. I should have made an option were it says "All of them are amazing". Again, I'm sorry.
No it's Janice.. :/ I don't think this is appropriate, it's going to make mods feel bad. EDIT: My report got rejected for this, apparently this has been made before. Wow.
Um... then they shouldn't be playing online? Playing online makes you vulnerable to everything. If you can't handle it you shouldn't be playing online.
It isn't kind though. If one mod got so many votes but another got none, they would feel bad.\ Online is totally different. If they are being rude to a mod, they get punished. But for something like this, it's a different matter.
Sorry dude but these two instances are the same. It's not someone else's fault if one person is liked more than the other. In the real world, you can't just go up to someone and say "Hey, that's offensive" because they would literally not care at all. People shouldn't be mad. I'm sure the post is not intended to cause harm in any way.
*pours sausage bucket into thread But seriously, you got to admit that all mods have their ups and downs.