@FadedChristi (bestie) @Yin (noob <3) @rachetclanks xD and uh @VaMeSa123 @MADIS0NJR @fryzigg @igothackedshonal c:
Moved to off-topic. While I'm here. I have SO MANY friends on mineverse. But the one that's my dearest, best friend is @HeyitsAlexa <333 Luv ya bae.
friends. what are friends. jk i have a couple. @PopIs_MyLife @mindsensation @trashcanprincess and some others that I haven't been able to keep in contact with. Oh well.
I will name just a few, they are some out of few Bff's @kitkat6605910 @FadedChristi @HeyitsAlexa @rachetclanks @LeeLee4TW @AlmaRobb