*Sigh* These threads always make me feel sad. Here's my list, not in any particular order... @MehPlaysMC @vJigglez @EddyCottonsocks @CoolRankUpFour @Starwin352 @cutting4 Sorry if I've forgotten anyone.. I've chosen these people because these people are the ones who I talk with most, Skype with, ect. Here's more info why; MehPlaysMC - He's always there for me. He doesn't care what I do that's wrong, and I trust him completely. Also, he was the first person who offered to Skype me on Mineverse. vJigglez - He tends to get over excited a lot, but man... He's probably my BFF on Mineverse. I generally talk to him everyday that I'm on, and we trust each other. He's cool if you get to know him, trust me. Eddy - Lol. He knows why he's one if my BFF's. He's actually vJigglez best friend irl, and for those idiots who think that he IS vJigglez, get edumacatedz. Eddy is just a cool guy, and his sense of humour... Man.. Ladies, he's Skuxx, trust me. 8four4 - Me and 844 have had our goods and bads, but we are still friends. He's a chill guy, and generally accepts my opinion. Thumbs up. Starwin - I've never skyped Starwin, but idk what it is about him. I just enjoy playing with him. He's a chill guy, but I think he's a bit too young to Skype, not sure. Cutting4 - Not my BFF, but we have our times. One day, we would be best friends, next day, he's ignoring me for a week. Thanx.
I'm sure I've commented on here before... My numero uno is @PopIs_MyLife Of course. Some other cool people. @mindsensation @Supermonkey000 @Pile_of_Butts @HipsterChick @kitkat6605910 Other people I probably forgot. sorry c:
My Crew: IN ORDER <3 The BAES! @GizzBots Gizz is Love Gizz is life! @BlueCharmander12 @Taylor @GoodBlady @lightningfingers @derpyturtle101 @AsianFinest_ @EVER1 else that im team with
@tin15cro - The amount of hours wasted on prison with you lmao, good banter. @MrParkourGuy uy - F00kin no scope ur arse 1vq irl m9