Name (forums): kzhalps How you met this person: Factions before the reset. What you love about this person: When I need something answered, kzhalps is the one to answer it and do anything that needs to be done. He is half of the reason I didn't leave after I got demoted. I owe everything to him. The second half that kept me from leaving was Beefy, but we'll keep that for another thread. ;)
Name: @Ducky How you met this person: factions What you love about this person: You are the biggest noob thug ever.
Name: @Mrpideon How you met this person: Skype call ;) What you love about this person: You are an amazing friend. You are very nice and kind Plus, You finish whatever you put your mind to
Name: @EliVdd How you met this person: Dat KitPvP doe What you love about this person: Eli, You are inclredibly funny, You are nice and You are strict when You absolutely NEED to be strict, Not when you want to x3
Name (forums): @AskWalrus How you met this person: 2004, Pacific Ocean. What you love about this person : He has become a part of my life, not only as a pet, but as a best friend and brother. I love him so much and I wish that he will remain as the silly Walrus that i've always known. He's the kind of person that makes you laugh when everything goes sour, he's a dependable Walrus and I admire him for that. I love you Walrus, and so to acknowledge and show appreciation to our eternal brotherly bond, i'm sleeping on the couch tonight, you can sleep on the bed, but i'm taking the Dorrito's.
Name: @SooperAwesome How you met this person: Infection What you love about this person: I wuv Soop because he backs me up, he was always friendly to me when i was a nub and showed me how to play infection when i joined, he always says Hi to me every time we see each other online. He also gives me free kits on pvp :rolleyes:
Name (forums): @IN1NJAI How you met this person: I honestly forgot how I met him. It was most likely through Skype. What you love about this person: Before people start hating on him because of his past, I would like to say that me and Ninja are extremely close. I consider him as a brother. He has helped me through some tough times, and I cannot thank him enough for that. Name (forums): @123nicco How you met this person: Jeg har nylig begynt å snakke med ham over Skype. What you love about this person: Selv om hans hovedspråk er engelsk, jeg elsker å snakke med ham. Han er en veldig sjenerøs person og noen jeg liker å snakke med. Vi har bare snakket i ca 2 timer, men han er veldig snill og høflig. Takk, bud!
Name (forums): @Andrewswj How you met this person: In minecraft Mineverse we were just playing he asked me for kit god and i said ok. What you love about this person He is ALWAYS kind. i did many things wrong but still he hung on. Everything i said he did. He didnt mind everything. i Love this person but something happened and ... i with we could be BEST friends again
Name (forums): xRisingxXxCometx How you met this person: School 8 years ago. What you love about this person: Even though I know this person in real life from school, he is still one of my favorite people on Mineverse. Even though he quit/left, I still talk to him a lot in school. Baby come back! Name (forums): GurrenLagann01 How you met this person: A server almost 2 years ago. What you love about this person: GurrenLagann01 is my favorite Asian ever (Sorry Rakion). He makes me laugh all the time and is the best Transformers nerd ever! :p
Name (forums): @almarobb123 How you met this person: The first time I saw her on infection, almarobb, wasn't using the almarobb123 account. I asked her for her Skype and she said ok, and a few days later she deleted me, and the next time I saw her she was the real almarobb123 by then, and so she was confused when I asked her to add me on skype again. We didn't really talk a lot until someone introduced us. What you love about this person: She's a very amazing gurl. She's funny, she's fab, she's a great person overall. The unturned sessions doe (#KillingNature24/7) She's a very fun person to be with. The more you get to know her, the more you'll realize how great of a person she is c: