I know people have asked this multiply times, but I've been trying to get a rank for a little while now and I don't know who I can trust to pay my money to. Does anyone know someone who will buy me a rank for in-game money? Preferable that they are online atm... Thanks in advance :D
You can always get top voter for a free upgrade. But if you don't want to do that your only option is to keep asking and see who is willing, sorry.
will sell both my mc accounts both are ranked, 1 sponsor 1 vip (sponsor 1 used to be titan but cyp likes scamming people) for a knife on csgo
@Freddo upgraded me to god in exchange for my vote hoarding of 1 year +. I don't know if he still does upgrades, let alone plays anymore . :/
I highly suggest you win an upgrade through voting, upgrades are just not the best thing to deal with.