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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by ZeldaNinja, Jan 18, 2015.

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    1. ScoFu13

      ScoFu13 Retired Head-Mod

      Nov 17, 2013
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      1. Name (totally optional)

      2. Favorite Food
      Pepperoni, bacon and feta pizza

      3. Favorite Game
      Board game, video game, sports game? Hmm board game: monopoly
      Video game: battlefield
      Sports: Futbol

      4. Favorite Movie/Show
      Fav movie: Castaway
      Fav show: Lost

      5. Favorite MV member

      6. Favorite Sport

      7. Favorite MV server
      Already stated lol

      8. Favorite Subject in School

      9. Favorite Color

      10. Favorite Favorite

      11. Overused Expression/ Face

      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional)

      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative)
      A hand rail for a dare.

      14. Worst injury
      Concussion/stitches/black eye all in one or a dislocated elbow.

      15. What Annoys you the most
      Lazy kids

      16. Who Annoys you the most
      Not going to say, but there are quite a few here lol
      • Like Like x 3
    2. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
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      1. Name: Ryan or as everyone knows me NoobCupCake
      2. Favorite Food: Fish and chips
      3. Favorite Game: Anything from the Saints Row series
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: SAO
      5. Favorite MV member:
      @PandaBear__ , @3yerrt , @xxELITE
      6. Favorite Sport:
      7. Favorite MV server
      8. Favorite Subject in School: Drama
      9. Favorite Color: PURPLE
      10. Favorite favorite: Sao
      11. Overused Expression/ Face: :t:
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you: Seeing photos of my younger years
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked: No comment
      14. Worst injury: Breaking my collar bone
      15. What Annoys you the most: Being around my Sister
      16. Who Annoys you the most: My Sister
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Ohmic

      Ohmic Legendary Member

      Mar 15, 2014
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    4. Saturns

      Saturns best valorant player Premium

      Aug 5, 2014
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    5. nick ok

      nick ok Well-Known Member

      Apr 27, 2014
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      1. Name: Nicholas, Nick, Nicky , BuilderNicky1, niggy (As my little cousin can't pronounce my name), MickeyMouse school friends can be fgts
      2. Favorite Food: Pasta :PP
      3. Favorite Game: MC lol
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: World War Z & TWD
      5. Favorite MV member: How could I not, @MaxNinja10 & @Coolest_Elephant
      6. Favorite Sport: Tennis :eh
      7. Favorite MV server: Kitpvp ofc
      8. Favorite Subject in School: Science
      9. Favorite Color: Red
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category) @rachetclanks ' & @kitkat6605910 's love for each other c;
      11. Overused Expression/ Face: :)
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional) I shouldn't go there…
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative) Well, it was nice and juicy… :t: Get me?
      14. Worst injury: Well, a few months ago I was making a sharp turn on my road bike (stupid me) and I fell. I got a really deep cut .
      15. What Annoys you the most ew…teachers
      16. Who annoys you the most @RACHETGrapess
      I nominate @MaxNinja10 & @Coolest_Elephant c;
      Last edited: Jan 20, 2015
    6. jedijosiah

      jedijosiah Well-Known Member

      Jun 1, 2014
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      1. Name (totally optional) jedi
      2. Favorite Food Pasta
      3. Favorite Game Skyrim
      4. Favorite Movie/Show Person of Interest
      5. Favorite MV member topmass
      6. Favorite Sport ...
      7. Favorite MV server infection
      8. Favorite Subject in Biology
      9. Favorite Color green
      10. Favorite Favorite Rant
      11. Overused Expression/ Face :o
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional) When I accidently fried my computer
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative) fly
      14. Worst injury broken arm
      15. What Annoys you the most Titans
      16. Who Annoys you the most U

      @Pile_of_Butts @ScoFu13
    7. Blocky

      Blocky Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2014
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      1. Name (totally optional) Abderahmane
      2. Favorite Food Fish and Chips
      3. Favorite Game Minecraft <3
      4. Favorite Movie/Show Either One piece or Attack on titan.
      5. Favorite MV member @HeyitsAlexa
      6. Favorite Sport Basketball! I've been playing for 5 years.
      7. Favorite MV server OPprison
      8. Favorite Subject in School IT.
      9. Favorite Color Blue
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category) Gaming
      11. Overused Expression/ Face •-•
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional) In IT my friend said my mom is downloading videos. I said we all know what she is downloading (said it loudly) XD
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative) The ground. (A dare)
      14. Worst injury Once my whole knee was open when i was 5.
      15. What Annoys you the most People in Opprison asking me for money when they're less than L.
      16. Who Annoys you the most @FierySlasher

      my two nominees:

      • Like Like x 1
    8. Naga

      Naga Experienced Member

      Aug 18, 2014
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      1. Name (totally optional) My name is Thomas, more known as Tube.
      2. Favorite Food: Meat.
      3. Favorite Game: FPS: CoD, Strategy: Civ 5
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: Family Guy.
      5. Favorite MV member: No favoritism.
      6. Favorite Sport: Floorball.
      7. Favorite MV server: A difficult one, I love Hellblock and OP Prison, but I'm more to Hellblock even thou I play OP prison more.
      8. Favorite Subject in School: I study for a car mechanic so repairing the cars (?).
      9. Favorite Color: Pink/Black.
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category): No clue.
      11. Overused Expression/ Face: Good question, I don't smile online much but in real life probably just smile.
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional): Opened my mouth and said something unbelievable stupid thing at the time when you shall never ask such stupid queation.
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative): Earwax for sure.
      14. Worst injury: Got a hole in my head, behins my ear.
      15. What Annoys you the most: Slow driving people.
      16. Who Annoys you the most: Usually my mother.
      @NarcissaMalfoy27 @joecobo_ @abolduc02
    9. Jen

      Jen Well-Known Member

      Sep 21, 2014
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      1. Name (totally optional) Jenisse
      2. Favorite Food - Potatos, no joke..
      3. Favorite Game - Fifa 15
      4. Favorite Movie/Show - Movie - Unbroken.
      5. Favorite MV member - @xxxvan
      6. Favorite Sport - Soccer
      7. Favorite MV server - Infection
      8. Favorite Subject in School - Math.. yes.
      9. Favorite Color - Green
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category) Discussion ;)
      11. Overused Expression/ Face - ;-;
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional) Err, probably ripping my dress on stage while playing piano.
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative)
      14. Worst injury - Dislocated my knee cap, like 10 mins ago, legitmately.
      15. What Annoys you the most - Flies
      16. Who Annoys you the most - Fly Jr.
      @xxxvan @HeyitsAlexa @zachary0816
    10. BO$$

      BO$$ Experienced Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      1. Name (totally optional) Soap
      2. Favorite Food Liquorice
      3. Favorite Game Kingdom Hearts 2 FM, Assassins Creed 3
      4. Favorite Movie/Show Big Hero 6, UP FTW!!!
      5. Favorite MV member @ScoFu :t:
      6. Favorite Sport Tennis
      7. Favorite MV server Infection (Recently)
      8. Favorite Subject in School Science is cool
      9. Favorite Color BLUE
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category) :pomp: ( Very Posh)
      11. Overused Expression/ Face :p
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional) Well it all happened a loooong tiiiiiimmmme ago……….
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative) …. *flees*
      14. Worst injury Cut my head, stitches required :wacky:
      15. What Annoys you the most Unhygienic people
      16. Who Annoys you the most @Ducky :t:
    11. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      Hey Soap!
    12. BO$$

      BO$$ Experienced Member

      Aug 28, 2014
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      "Get B'ck in line SOLDIER" :t:
    13. KingAlex

      KingAlex Well-Known Member

      Jun 25, 2014
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      :t Sir Yes Sir Captain Soap t:
    14. Majorminor15

      Majorminor15 Experienced Member

      Sep 4, 2014
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      1. Name (totally optional): Jeremy Nicholas sensoredlastname
      2. Favorite Food: Chicken
      3. Favorite Game: Minecraft
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: Step Brothers, The Benchwarmers, Family Guy, The Simpsons, SpongeBob, anything Pokemon related, and the list goes on and on. I also love scary movies. (I want to say The Maze Runner but judging from the first movie, the books will be so much better than the movies.)
      5. Favorite MV member: I would say myself but it seems as if that would be quite selfish so I'll say the lovely @PandaBear__
      6. Favorite Sport: Basketball
      7. Favorite MV server: OP Prison or OP PvP
      8. Favorite Subject in School: English or Biology
      9. Favorite Color: Red
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category): I have no idea what this is asking for and there's so many diverse answers in this thread for this one so I'll just say turtles and penguins.
      11. Overused Expression/ Face: :/ or ._.
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional): Lots of personal stories that'd I'd rather not share so I'll just say when I got "crossed up" by someone a few years younger than me while I was playing street basketball with some people from Chicago.
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative): Cat food (I actually ate a handful of cat food. Oops.) (It was a dare and 8 year old me got $75 so yeah)
      14. Worst injury: Sprained ankle/rolled ankle
      15. What Annoys you the most: Not being able to fall asleep and/or waking up early.
      16. Who Annoys you the most: People in my school, people who use too much cologne (usually Axe Body Spray {ew}} or perfume, servers where you either donate or you won't be successful and 10 year old donors will wreck you, people who can't tell the difference between hacks and skill, and hypocrites. Or to sum it up all into one, a vast majority of humans.
    15. PandaBear__

      PandaBear__ Guest

      1. Name (totally optional): Giang. Obviously known as Panda. :)
      2. Favorite Food: Ramen. ;)
      3. Favorite Game: Minecraft and OSU.
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: SAO and AOT. o3o
      5. Favorite MV Members: @VaMeSa123 @Majorminor15
      6. Favorite Sport: Soccer.
      7. Favorite MV Server: OP PvP.
      8. Favorite School Subject: English.
      9. Favorite Color: Green.
      10. Favorite Favorite: @Majorminor15
      11. Overused Expression/Face: ;)
      12. Funniest/Most Embarrassing: I farted at school and screamed to make it not noticable.
      13. Grossest Thing I've Ever Licked: You. :t:
      14. Worst Injury: I don't think I've ever had a really bad injury.
      15. What Annoys Me The Most: People.
      16. Who Annoys Me The Most: You. ;)
    16. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Name (totally optional): Dyna
      2. Favorite Food: Does Ice Cream count as food?
      3. Favorite Game: pretty much any video game
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: wow too many to list really. Love comedies
      5. Favorite MV member: tctwhite :P
      6. Favorite Sport: Baseball
      7. Favorite MV server : Prison
      8. Favorite Subject in School: Science
      9. Favorite Color: Blue, Purple, & black
      10. Favorite Favorite (category) ?
      11. Overused Expression/ Face :P
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional) can't post it here, not youth friendly
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative) wth? Who thought of this one?
      14. Worst injury: Broken bones
      15. What Annoys you the most: Stupidity
      16. Who Annoys you the most: Idiots
    17. zachary0816

      zachary0816 Experienced Member

      Dec 18, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Name: Zachary0816
      Favourite Food: Sushi
      Favourite MV Members: @PrincessPayne @xxxvan @Oppil2002 maybe, 3yerrt idk
      Favourite Game: Minecraft
      Favourite Movie/Show: Movie- Unbroken
      Favourite Sport: Football (Not american)
      Favourite MV Server: Infection, KitPvP or Skywars.
      Favourite School Subject: English
      Favourite Colour: Lime
      Favourite Favourite: Lime
    18. Alex

      Alex sweet roll Premium

      May 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Name (totally optional): Alexandra/Alex/Alexa
      2. Favorite Food: Pork ribs or 2 minute noodles
      3. Favorite Game: Minecraft/Sims
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: Sword Art Online or Friends
      5. Favorite MV member: Don't want anyone to feel left out so I'll just say @HeyitsAlexa
      6. Favorite Sport: Soccer
      7. Favorite MV server: Infection or Skywars cx
      8. Favorite Subject in School: Drama or English
      9. Favorite Color: Black <3
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category): I don't exactly know what this is asking so I'll just say music
      11. Overused Expression/ Face: n.n
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional): Most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me would probably be accidentally saying the swear word in my solo for my music class last year. They never let me forget.
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative): A pickle. They're discusting.
      14. Worst injury: Probably a sprained ankle... I don't get injured often.
      15. What Annoys you the most: Twins who dress the same
      16. Who Annoys you the most: Ariana Grande

      I nominate @SuperMegaBuilder and @fryzigg
    19. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Which One? @HeyitsAlexa
    20. Shantaram

      Shantaram Experienced Member

      Sep 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Name (totally optional): Ben
      2. Favorite Food: Butter Chicken
      3. Favorite Game: Far Cry 4/Minecraft
      4. Favorite Movie/Show: Arrow or Mirai Nikki
      5. Favorite MV member: I don't have one?
      6. Favorite Sport: What is a "sport"?
      7. Favorite MV server: Skywars
      8. Favorite Subject in School: Umm, IT or Science
      9. Favorite Color: Purple
      10. Favorite Favorite :t: (category): I love music?
      11. Overused Expression/ Face: :P
      12. Funniest//Most Embarrassing thing that has happened to you (optional): My brain can't remember any rn though I'm sure I have loads
      13. Grossest thing you've ever licked (don't get to creative)
      14. Worst injury: Broke my arm at 3? xD
      15. What Annoys you the most: People that try to shove their religion in my face
      16. Who Annoys you the most: Omg, @HeyitsAlexa , she's so annoying xD
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