H'lo im _DylanZ_ and I've been banned on KitPVP for hacking... (No i wasn't) and I'd love to make a ban appeal? but the ban appeal forum page is locked? what should I do here? help me out please!
Hello Dylan, the ban appeal section is not closed, just go here. http://www.mineverse.com/forums/ban-appeals.87/ Make sure you read what Cyp and Noob said about the template etc
Read the information about ban appeals here, http://www.mineverse.com/appeals/ then feel free to post one off of the tab that says "Ban Appeals" you can't post off the main stuff.
Hello, you use this template for your appeal and copy and paste that into this section by clicking 'Post New Thread'. If you need any additional help, click my profile and click 'Start a Conversation'. Closing this as resolved.