During mid-day server time, or 7 am in the morning for me, there were no mods on. I know a mod can't be on all day long, but we have 22 mods, and there should always be at least 1 mod online. I have found that lately, some mods haven't been getting on a lot, or just come on once a day. But there are mods that I see almost everytime I'm online (@Ares_Xena @Alexa @larrythebird101 Good Job Guys) I hope this will be a wake up call for the mods who haven't been very active, or as active. (This screenshot was taken from my tablet)
I understand that the mods have off line lives that need attending, but they took a responsibility when they signed up to be a mod. And lately I been seeing at lot of "Only 1 mod online". Although that "one mod online" is shared by a couple of the mods.
I feel when Cyp is picking mods he should start background checks on them before promoted. (Not to roast) @Dontchallengeme was MUCH more active before he got mod. And that's just one of our many staff members. Some people apply and then forget about their application until they get mod because they go inactive or leave the forums.
I'd like to point off of something I just saw THREE spam posts about weight loss or something have been up for 18 hours... not closed or even a post from a mod/staff member.... i feel sad now...
Yeah, in the past couple days, I've been seeing a lot of those spam bots posting about recipes or weight loss
I'm trying to constantly help players/handle reports/moderate the forums. I'm often the only moderator online. Nevertheless, I will try to act up my game.
OMG lol the same happened. I had one person who I was following and it was @KingAlex xD Ive seen a spambot talk about increasing intellegence while it had the grammar of a 3 year old. You are the most active mod on forums until now Be a bit more active in-game! However it could be timezones. I personally believe Alexa is more active in-game than on forums Also a personal belief: Spoiler A lot of mods used to be WAY more active before they got promoted :baw::L :/ Sooo yea I don't know if cyp is keeping tabs on them or anything but I've seen a lot of complaining going on because of this issue.
LOL! I'm on much more now than I was before I got promoted . I'm on daily for ATlEAST 1-2 hours . (Which if you went back and viewed my app - that's exactly what I said ) Mineverse is the only server I've played since I've been promoted . I'm on the forums whenever my laptop is open, or my phone is charged . You've been extremely rude lately and you're not only being rude, but whenever I have to defend myself and others from your unnecessarly rude posts, it takes time I could have spent solving help threads or reports . So please . Stop while you're ahead .
@ShovelMcYT needs to learn his place all he does is go through all the threads and post negative stuff.
All I'm gonna say is that I rarely see any mod on and I sometimes do go through the entire MV, the only ones I usually see is xxxvan, tin15cro and Musezeta.
Heh. I try to be on the forums all day, that's why I set up my email alerts. I'm not as active in game, due to laptop restrictions. :/ But I shall try harder.
I'm usually online at that time (if I got my time zone conversions correct), I just have my online status set to disabled. Anyway, if nobody seems to be on, you guys should at least report something so we can all see it once we get back from whatever. If you guys seriously need us, PM us, we'll help when we can. Sorry about that.
Honestly give them a chance. :/ im tired of these threads. Mods try their hardest to help out and be active. They do have a life outside of mc like school. Yes there are a few inactive but the rest do the best they can.
This thread is giving light to the few inactive mods. @Yin I see you online quite a lot, and this isn't directed to you. This is directed to the mods who aren't as active as they used to be, and to get them back on their horse, pointing out that we are noticing their inactivity.
Since I'm very new to the team I feel like I should comment on this thread just so everyone can try to understand what it like to juggle moderating and personal life; especially when you're a newcomer. I currently have a somewhat full class schedule for school coming in at 12 credit hours Mon-Thur, along with any meetings or clubs that I am in or need to attend. On the weekends I'm free after my work is done and I have the energy to sit at the computer for 4+ hours or so. On frequent occasion I do hide my online status from the forums, but only when I am busy with my school-work and can't be asked to constantly help out. Not to say that I don't have the forums open on my computer, which I do the vast majority of the day, but that I am usually here regardless if you see me online or not. I will usually be logged into the server as well usually answering questions players may have and helping with issues that may arise. I may not be moving or playing constantly but I am always monitoring the chat just to make sure I can follow with what's going on. I know I signed up for this, and I know I'm expected to help keep everything running smoothly on my down-time, but 10 times out of 10 I am going to put my attention towards my degree; it will always be more important, as it is going to be the outcome for the rest of my life, something many of you will learn in the not to far future if not already right now. My schedule is always extremely busy throughout the day but I devote the majority of my free-time (the little amount that I have and could use to sleep) to you guys to the best of my ability. I love working for the community, but sometimes I feel like you expect a little to much of us. We are not abusing or neglecting you, we are just busy with certain matters at certain times. Hope everyone has a wonderful day both in-game and on the forums, Muse
I'm active most of the time, but this week was the hardest I've ever had. A lot of situations, work, school, traveling and all that. Yesterday I went in game and handled reports, and banned some hackers on OP and advertisers as well. So yeah I try to be active as much as I can but I'll be more active these days.