Maybe only to mods and people combat tagged to that person, it is kinda unesseary information for other people.
You can't tell if a player used macros then. I'm confused. Reasons? I understand, but it's not too easy to find out if a player uses macros. Thanks.
We can't ban for /heal macros without proof a Titan didn't do it, so this would make it possible to ban for heal macros.
/Heal ruins kitpvp in my opinion. I never 1v1 gods nor titans because of this ridiculously over powered command. No support.
Support, and some people are saying that it would be good to remove healing from Titans completely... This wouldn't be good, in fact they are the only people who can stop God hackers unless a mod is on... So support for this thread, but no support for removing the /heal [Playername] command from titans