Hey guys today I'm going to be suggesting to add onto Kit-PvP is when Titan Donors heal a player during a 1v1 or a battle, it'll show in the chat. This is idea will make it easier for mods to catch a player using macros. Ex. Say I was 1v1ning @Herf , and he is God. Lets say He's God , and I'm Titan. I heal myself with /heal, and when I get him down to like 4 hearts he gets healed, but if it doesn't show that Herf_ wasn't healed by Titan, therefore a mod would have to ban him because of him using Macros. Now the Mod would be able to watch the fight while flying, but he/she would have to get close to see how much hearts the players to see if he is actually using macros. So the whole point of this thread is to add this thing when a Titan heals a player it shows up in chat. That's it. Thanks! CREDITS TO: @Herf ;)
I could see a problem with titans who troll. If they heal all, it would spam the chat and you might get targeted for typing /heal *
No support, there are already health tags to show when a player gets healed, so it's unnecessary to say it in chat.