17 days ago exactly, CypriotMerks said to me on prison that the kit Titan would come out "very soon". 150$ more is a ridiculous amount if there is no kit. I would not have bought it if I didn't think there were kits coming soon. I would like a refund, but I don't mind donating still. If kit Titan doesn't come out soon and this server come up to scratch I might quit mineverse forever. (Very serious story lol) I just want the kit to come out soon plzzz. Thx bye I hope @CypriotMerks or @Noobcrew sort something out. bye.
You are thinking of quitting the server, because the kit titan isn't out yet. You realize that running a server is really hard right?
I've run a server before and it doesn't take too long to make a kit, maybe 2 hrs at the most to put on all the servers.
Stack that onto the thousands of player emails, pms, forum posts, etc from 4 different server hubs. All of the forum issues, player concerns, staff concerns as well and game and system bugs and heaven forbid I mention real life things that go on. Don't forget NoobCrew and Cypriotmerks are people too and have other things to worry about as well. Patience is a virtue. Learn it, it will come in handy in life. You donated for a product you knew full well didn't have a kit and that there was no true set date on a kit being added. Don't forget you didn't buy a product, you made a donation. Be sure to read terms and conditions as well as fine print.