I have been using 5zig mod on OPPvP for a couple months now. And I was just informed that it is against the rules to use it? My friends and I have been using it for months and sad we are not aloud to anymore. Can someone please state what is wrong with it?
5zig mod is a pvp mod all it does is Fps boost it lets you use "Optifine" And one other mod if you like, I use it a lot it's a really good mod. [EDIT] Link:
I'm pretty sure the 5zig is allowed. Truthfully, there is nothing in the 5zig that should be bannable.
Don't be a mini mod makes hate... Anyways it was never not allowed it doesn't give you an advantage just makes it easier to PvP and explore
I dont see a problem with most mods. Some mods that give an advantage in game-modes are not permitted but this one seems fine.
It is allowed though I believe your question has been answered already by others in this thread. Is this resolved now?
I spoke to the recorder, he understands "ping". Obviously Mega, you don't yet, I can jitterclick about 11cps. The reach? It's like 3-5 blocks max no hacks. Why can't he hit me? Because jitterclicking is a faster way of clicking about 11cps (mine) has proven how much pvp improves. If I was "hacking" in this video, then why am I almost as good as @Clima or @zStrafe ? Both are pingers, I can almost kill both but not yet gotta work on Strafing more. Good Day. ~Kings/Killed.
There's nothing wrong with 5zig. I've confirmed with a mod. 5zig is this. ---> https://5zig.eu/features It shows things like the coords you're at, armor hud, potion effects, server ip, etc.