I've reported several people in the past few days and barely any of them have been resolved, i'm not complaining, just wondering why its taking so long. Thanks
Bump them. They fall to the bottom of the list, and I'm sure the mods do it top-down. This happened to me and when I bumped it someone immediately banned those players.
You aren't allowed to bump reports. You just need to play the waiting game. Mods aren't robots, they can't see everything and resolve everything in few seconds. Give them time and you will be satisfied.
I like what @Arabic_Bear said. Moderators have big jobs to do and they have to get to reports when they can. Not instantly.
To rephrase what @Arabic_Bear said, the mods would most likely check the most recent reports compared to the one's on the other pages. Hope this helps
I posted nine reports two hours ago. Eight of those reports were taken care of within an hour. I'd say the mods are doing alright.
Our staff team generally handles reports pretty well. They work their butts off for us and they try their hardest to reply to your reports as soon as possible. Just give it time.
Also a quick tip, if after say, half a day/a day of waiting, you can tag a moderator that is online and was viewing portal index/a thread/in a convo in the recent couple of minutes. They will most likely respond quickly. Also found a couple of hardworking Mods and I can always count on them for my reports :P Especially when their time zones are roughly the same, it's way better. SSMH, Dyna_Mighty... Quite reliable Mods in my opinion.
If you don't want to bump it, click the "report" button and say "Excuse me, this report has been up for a while with no response, can someone deal with it please?" or something.
Most reports are handled within a day of creation. I just looked up on it. It is less than one day lots of the time. The number of reports have increased by a substantial amount from a few months ago as more people are recording etc. The only circumstance where a report may sit is when there is a filter issue that stops us from punishing a user. Don't worry about the team, that's what I am here for.