So I don't know if I can get sponsor (upgrade from premium) with 1.3 k is that possible? Also I am willing to give you my island and voter crate keys. (2) I think please tell in comments below or tell me in game if you see me (mostly kitpvp)
hmm in skyblock money you'll need 50k as I think it's like 10k a $1? (but I'm sure if you set up a shop or auction stuff you'll get there eventually :p)
You start off with $500 and each voter key is worth about $75. So that would not make the upgrade. At this time it is 10k= $1. Good luck.
Skyblock to my knowledge is the most upgraded on server around probably followed by kitpvp, plus skyblock isn't too difficult to earn money on also if you think about it I got titan within a month for 3million total Good luck!