what about the other 90 million? I would buy every one premium and then hold the rest in banks to accumulate into more.
I would donate a lot to mineverse and put some in the bank and give my bro @Badlerner about hmm..... 1mil :D
You would keep 4 mil and give 6 mil away... Therefore you would have 996 million if you donated the 6 mil to mineverse. Your saying it like its 10 mil, Not a billion. Im confused... lol.
1 Billion huh? Alright 500 Million is going straight towards my Family and they can do whatever they like with it. Then I would take $250 Million and put towards as a Investment to make more money. $50 Million goes towards my Children's Future. $100 Million goes for me to spend on whatever I like which is: 2015 Audi R8 - 115,900 Ford Mustang 1960 to 1970 - Anywhere from $10k to $100k. ( Depends on what it has / Model ) I then would spend around $100k for some Computers that I would make and put together and they would be all for different purposes. 1 for Workstation Purposes anywhere from having Cinema 4d/ Sony Vegas etc 4 Gaming PC's - Always will be updated to the Next Gen Products. Then get a few Servers to carry information on, etc. And that leave me with around $99684100 for myself to spend. So with about $50 million I would buy a house with a good amount of acreage and a very nice kitchen for my Future Wife and I. Then that leaves me with $49,684,100 and with that I would invest that all into BTC Which would give me at the current rates of as right now: 151,659 BTC So since BTC is low atm at around $300 and if it skyrockets again to 1k per BTC then I would sell all of my 151,659 BTC So basically if it does go to that I would make around 3 times my money back from that investment which would be: $149,052,300 So with that being said I would still have $100 Million that I would have left and I would store it all in my bank for Savings on whatever I need weather it's Bills to be paid, Cable, etc.