what did you guys think about covid-19 when you first heard about it? did you think it'd get to your location, or nah? just curious what people think about it
I remember my friend mentioning it in school late 2019 about some virus in China and I was like "oh really" and never really looked into it or what it was about. Now looking at the UK with 3.1 million people who have caught the virus it's a bit insane.
yeah i wouldn't have thought it was something that was just gonna eat our lives away bc that's what it practically did - you guys are not as bad as US tho
I found it all happened very quickly. Initially, when I heard about it, I thought nothing of it. However, then not even a month later, my school closed (as well as so many others across the world) and things swiftly moved everything online. Currently, I am pushing through college all online and it looks like I will be online at least until Fall 2021. It's what it is. These events are unfortunate and quite scary but you can't live your life in fear.
i remember going to disneyland with @mattenphew late february and everyone was joking about it (there was rumours of one of the backstage disney crew having it, but it was later revealed he hadn’t been in contact with the park in months) it was more of a joke than anything else... less than a month later in a national lockdown!
lol i thought i was just gonna have an extended spring break. friends and i were hype, but then everything went downhill
I thought it’d just be something like the flu and just be for a bit and not anything too serious. Next thing I know, my school shuts down for a week, then another, and another then for another month and then forever. Online school was introduced and we just started that. We shouldn’t underestimate things :((
I remember getting a text on my phone from the news that theres was a new virus, i was at the beach enjoying my vacactions, then march started, and lockdown was on the day of my birthday sad times.
yeah can't let it eat your life away but gotta stay safe! so he hadn't been in contact w the park yet was there? i'm confused sorry yeah spring break was going to be something else definitely - i realized how lucky we are to do the things we used to regularly well i was more concerned for the people not being able to get diapers for there kids :/ yeah hopefully we will be good be the end of the year but i find that unlikely in the US.
no he was an employee but was on holiday leave before he even got ill, but some ppl got confused and thought he was actually there
now that makes a lot more sense - is uk still struggling w covid? yeah sadly they banned and blocked i believe publicists from releasing any info of covid
Our lockdown is a joke too, tier 5 over here, all the shops are closed, can't travel anywhere, can't visit at all, can't go far out of your home, it's literal isolation.
no i mean for us like no one takes it serious - they have people sit out instead of in but they're all near each other. everyone near each other going out many w out mask it's depressing
just got sent into a second lockdown :D :D :D everyone takes it as a joke, at first people thought it wasnt serious so didnt take it seriously, and now everyones fed up of being in lockdown so they choose to ignore it