i see people talking about sieging others or getting sieged on survival all the time, but how exactly does this work? does it mean that anyone can destroy buildings that belong to others even if they're on a claimed piece of land?
It's a force fight, Somebody needs to log off or die and the other person wins. They get there items, Also can grief.
i don't get what you mean by force fight. are you saying that both people have to willingly agree to the fight, and that the loser has to manually transfer ownership of their stuff to the winner? i'm just trying to figure out whether there's any way someone could destroy my stuff even if it's on my claimed land.
No. They can grief it, They can just say "Hello" If you have full prot IV and you lag and get kicked. No agreeing, Just straight to the fight
so how does someone grief or siege stuff on protected land? you need permission to build/remove on someone else's land...
Lol but you don't give them the items or your claim, they just get to grief you, but for somereason you can't pvp during a siege so..... you can lose by either going off that players land or logging out.
guys, the reason i'm trying to figure out how siege works is so that i can protect what i've built. i don't have any enemies and i don't want any enemies, but there's a group of people in survival that go around sieging whatever they come across. even though i've traveled far from spawn, my base has already been spotted by a few people. why bother using the golden shovel to claim land when anyone can destroy your stuff? i just don't get that. is there no way i can protect my stuff from getting destroyed by someone else?
Well, the thing is if you don't logout or go too far from your base, you won't lose, and they'll probs just get bored and leave :3 So yeah if Idk the pvp wasn't working for me but if it is its good idea to have weapons with you
how do they siege in the first place? i'd like to know how it's done if it's not too much trouble. no idea why everyone is so secretive about this bit of info.
Oh, so what you do is stand on their claimed land, and type in ./seige (Insert owner of claim' name here)
got it, thanks. i just tested out the /siege command and it looks like the owner of the claim has to be online. i guess i don't have to worry about having my stuff destroyed while i'm offline, so it's all good.
Okay so in surivial if someone finds your base. The player can /siege in order to fight the owner of the base to death. If the owner logs off, they lose everything in their inventory when they relog. Plus you are given access to the owners protection for 15 minutes Remember /siege only works when the player is online and in their base. So don't accept anyone /tpa unless you are 100% sure the player will not /siege you.