I've been recently seeing threads of "What are you getting for Christmas?" since of course, the holidays are almost here. But then I realized a question which was, what does Christmas mean to you? Christmas can differentiate throughout the generations/ages, kids can view it as receiving presents, others see it as spending time with your loved ones, others can view it religiously, while some people don't celebrate Christmas at all. Honestly when I was a small child, I always thought of presents when I heard the word Christmas. Although as I got older, I started viewing Christmas in a different aspect such as a traditional get together with my family. As the title is says, what does Christmas mean to you?
I didn't really understand what Christmas was when I was younger. I just assumed I had 2 birthdays. As I got older, I always thought of it about just getting presents and about Jesus' birthday, because, well, I live in Utah and this place is religion everywhere :p Today I basically view it as getting together with my family and occasionally every few years we invite some friends to spend it with us, like this year c: And of Jesus and of Presents and Food :p
I'm not Christian, but my grandparents are, thus I celebrate. but on topic food. I love the food, it's amazing
Christmas is a day to celebrate the birthing of Jesus. I don't really like how Christmas has lost a lot of it's meaning. Most people only focus on gifts and decorating ect... I'll stop before this turns into a rant. But yee. Also I like food too.
To me, Christmas is about having a fun time with your family, and rejoicing over all the good things you or your family have done this year and hopefully being a better person next year. To me, the presents aren't a very big deal anymore, it's more making sure my family is happy
To me Christmas is so spiritual and wonderful to me...nah! I'm getting razor naga dat all I need and want
Christ·mas ˈkrisməs/ noun noun: Christmas; plural noun: Christmases 1. the annual Christian festival celebrating Christ's birth, held on December 25 in the Western Church. the period immediately before and after December 25. "we had guests over Christmas" exclamation informal exclamation: Christmas 1. expressing surprise, dismay, or despair. Origin