So, I've decided to do a game called what do you want from me. It's where you give your(In my case Mineverse) a choice of activities that you have to do. There's choices for each person and a choices for the whole group. First off separate options(Comment which you want below): •TBH •Positive Paragraph •What I Think of You? •Best Memory •First Impression (Will be given over Skype or through conversation via forums) *1 per person As for the entire group, I'll do a poll for a bit, then choose whichever has majority. *1 vote per person UPDATE: I will be doing the separate ones in writing and the group one by voice. I have like two threads open if you want to hear me talk. xD
What do you mean by First Impresstion? And I can't decide the poll ;-; Also whatever the poll decides, I'm going to do as well ;)