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    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by b0rn_c0fused, Dec 17, 2017.


    Does it need more work?

    Poll closed Dec 20, 2017.
    1. Yes

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    2. no

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    1. b0rn_c0fused

      b0rn_c0fused Experienced Member

      Mar 29, 2017
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      I'm making my first ever slam poem and i was just wondering if it is an okay start here it is. Enjoy :)
      Why can't I feel this way? Why is it wrong? Feelings are wrong because they are different and different is not perfect and if your not perfect your not worthy.You can't feel like your beautiful because your giving yourself to much credit, but you can't say that your ugly because your giving yourself to much hate. Feelings a wrong because there not perfect. You can't say that your going threw a tough time because that's selfish because no matter what someone has it worse. But can't i for once in my life say that I'm going threw something. Because no one can just cheer each other on it's always a competition. And feeling shows weakness and if your weak they beat you down harder. Feelings are wrong because there not perfect. You can't be mad at someone because they always have a reason for what they did but what if that reason isn't good enough for you. Do they beat you down harder. Do you cry more. People can't ever love each other for who they are. And because of that feelings are wrong. Feelings are wrong because there not perfect.

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