so like im thinking of writing a letter to my government saying how they should make it a law. but im not sure if i have the guts to do it, plus i need some teacher help bc i suck at grammer and spellin can ya comment if you think i should do or answer the poll Edit : (da law is human rights) EDIT 2: *ima do it*
It depends on the law. If you think that it may not get through, then I wouldn't do it. If you truly believe that this should become a law, you should send it to them.
Where I'm from only members of parliament can suggest laws, not sure if it's any different for you. Maybe a better approach is sending the law to a specific party, if they think it's a good law then they can suggest it for you but adding in laws is a long process and most laws can take decades to get passed. Just a heads up, not sure if it's any different for you. Good luck!
Go for it dude! Just make sure the letter has no grammatical mistakes xD and make it pretty formal since it's to the government :P
Idk here in America if u just send your opinion to the government you'll just get ignored, and if u get lucky u might get a letter back saying no. If u want to make a law or something like that u have to get a petition or such that many ppl support before getting the governments attention Then they have to approve it in this super long process. I might be wrong in some parts cuz American government is a senior class and I'm a junior
do it have someone proofread it ofc, but do it good on you for taking action where many people dont proud of u
just do what u feel like is right for ur country unfortunately a lotta governments don't care about these letters but they should and you should take a strong yet professional approach be like the next Malala y'know