@reborn. @Hackmanpvp to clear this up ok. I remember them ok. The faces looked vaguely similar to people i recognised with slight changes. Yes, you dont remember everything because I cant remember if Auzzii was there, I can remember if Exstat was there. With regards to faces, they were either manipulated faces of people I know, there forum photo like pile or a slight bit like a Youtuber, like to me @canucksfan44 was a Youtuber XD.
I wish i left this thread alone this is what came of my life... http://www.mineverse.com/threads/a-mineverse-dream-ft-quitrunning-ratchetqueen69.118452/
I've actually had a dream about mineverse before, it was when I was on the staff team and it was basically like animated characters. like in it I remember Exstatisfy roaming the street's in the shadows in a bunny mask and tanner was looking into a window of the girls bathroom and Pile was walking down a red carpet like she owned someboday with nanurz, flazer, matt at her feet. I'm weird