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  • Weekly Update [7/31/16]

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by djryan, Jul 31, 2016.

    1. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Tin smells
      -Mineverse Weekly Update-

      Welcome to an all new weekly update! This week has some exciting news to cover, and we'd like to announce that this will return weekly once again! Thanks to an awesome staff team who are able to help me out so much, we will now be able to publish these on a weekly regular basis. So without further ado, lets dive into the news.

      Main highlights
      Kitpvp and factions have been recently updated and reset! Both have had remodeled spawns and new game mechanics, I highly reccomend you check them out.
      A big shoutout to my friend @Herf for creating such an awesome kitpvp map!

      Opinions on factions reset
      By @Bantz

      - Interviewing person playing factions; Panda258
      - Opinion of a regular Factions player on the Factions reset

      Me: So, how is the Factions reset?

      Panda258: Well, I really hate the fact I have no access to /kit god and /heal but I do enjoy the fact that it is truly free to play which helps out the community as a whole. But what baffles me is that “rickyvera” has got 3k power level which makes me cry every time. But what sucks is that mcmmo is capped.

      Me: Thanks for your reply.

      A lot of heat is headed towards the Factions server with the new reset. Many people have been complaining that their money wasn’t well spent as they are no longer gaining the perks that was promised to them by the server. This is down to the new EULA enforcement done by Mojang.

      More annoyance is aimed towards the capping of McMMO. People are already gaining very high levels of it in such a short period of time, that soon enough, they will reach the limit.

      Moderator resignations/demotions
      By @TheNiceSnake

      Due to not doing the news over the past few weeks we are covering all of the past demotions/resignations from the past month.

      TADS4 - Demoted
      We do not have much detail into why he was demoted other than being disrespectful and not following the rules set in place by head staff.

      Flazer6424 - Demoted
      We believe that we has been demoted for acts of “Abuse”, quoted from himself.

      Smiileyy - Resigned
      Since the last news thread Smiley has resigned. He attributes his resignation with being one of two EU mods, and having to deal with school.

      Jhow - Resigned
      Even though he resigned over a month ago, we will still include him. Jhow resigned because he feels he lost his motivation to do reports because he was being treated badly by players.

      CotnerM - Resigned
      Cotner has also sadly resigned along with Jhow and Smiileyy. He resigned because the only reason in his words that he was getting on, was because he had to. In other words he lost interest in Minecraft and therefore Mineverse.

      Opinions of OPFactions players
      By @Discdog1000

      The different opinions of an OP Factions player and a Factions player on the Facs reset.

      Interview of NemoTheFishie (Factions)

      What’s your opinion on the factions reset?

      Nemo: Well I like how mcmmo was capped, and i like how the spawn is different but I'm not fond of how the pvp area is in the shop.

      Do you think factions deserted a reset before OPFacs?

      Nemo: It needed a reset way before op tbh

      How do you think OP Factions plebs are currently recactusing to the factions reset?

      Nemo: They are really annoyed tbh, i spoke and over heard a few and they are irritated that we got a reset before them. Apparently they have been “waiting longer”

      Interview of Cooldrew (OP Factions)

      Me: So what do you think about the factions reset, being an op factions player?

      Cooldrew: Well the factions reset is good for Factions and all but OP Factions needed it more, it's kind of unfair that Factions got it before OP Factions.

      Me: Why do you think they reset Factions before OP Factions?

      Cooldrew: Honestly, I don’t know, probably because more people play Factions, but people would play here if they reset it as well.

      Me: Would OP Factions gain a lot more players if it got reset, do you think?

      Cooldrew: Yes, probably at least 20 more people would play daily.

      Me: Do you know how OP Factions players are reacting to the Factions reset? Are they converting game

      Cooldrew: Well a lot of people have quit and a lot of people on forums are making side comments about it.

      Me: Can you explain why OP Factions needed a reset more than Factions did?

      Cooldrew: Well, first of all the map is pooped and the McMMO is too OP, they need to cap it as there are some people with 600 and most can only get to 250.

      Me: What is your thought on the money and items?

      Cooldrew: Well, there are a lot of illegal items being passed around and the money isn’t too bad. I think should add unbreaking to the kits, because protection here doesn’t do much. It’s all durability.

      Me: What about the number of hackers? Are there any glitches being abused?

      Cooldrew: Well, there are a ton of OG hackers they need an anti-cheat and the glitches are bad. People can get border blocks on here

      People told me how to get them, but I don’t abuse the glitch myself.

      Inside factions
      By @Elrak

      Recently factions has been reset, with a reset comes a lot of new players, glitches and just interesting stuff in general.

      Even though it’s the first few days, a lot of Factions have been getting raided due to Withers being enabled, some of the big Factions that have been raided are:

      KeemStar - Raided by DramaAlert

      Lolxx - Raided by Yewsa - 30 Blaze Spawners

      Eternity - Raided by Yewsa

      Desire - Raided by xHollahh/insided.

      There was a problem in the shop involving Brewing Stands being way too OP for what they are, considering Blaze Rods were half their price. Brewing stands used to sell for $150 and Blaze Rods for $70. Luckily, both have now been removed. Hopefully, Blaze Rods will be added back and Blaze Spawners will be worth something again.

      A lot of new plug-ins have been added to Factions such as CoinFlip. CoinFlip is basically a heads or tails scenario where one player can put in heads or tails and whoever clicks it will do the opposite, whoever wins will keep their money and obtain the opponents money also.

      Another plug-in which has been added in recently is Auction House, which can be used by typing in /ah. Players can put their items in the auction house for a small fee and other players can buy them while they’re offline, this is particularly helpful when you have an item that you want to sell badly but you cannot since you have to get off or you’re busy at the time.

      Currently at spawn there are a lot of safe spots which people can run into while they’re PvPing. Hopefully this gets fixed fast as it ruins a lot of the PvP action which happens at spawn, on the topic of spawn PvP, there has recently been a glitch which has since been patched, in /warp shop there was a patch of land which you could PvP on, leading to people tricking people walking onto this spot causing them to lose their valuables..

      Certain Factions tend to claim spawn, which can be extremely annoying because the huge The current faction claiming spawn is Presidents.

      Why GTA and Survival need a reset:
      By @Teeeb
      I interviewed three active Survival players on why they feel a reset is needed.

      Interview #1 with PineapplesUnited

      Me: Do you want Survival to be reset?

      PineapplesUnited: Yes.

      Me: Why is that?
      PineapplesUnited: Because there’s really no unexplored land anymore.

      Interview #2 with Zatrinqia

      Me: Do you want Survival to be reset?
      Zatrinqia: Yes

      Me: Why?

      Zatrinqia: The economy is a huge issue. It’s hard to find land, and you aren’t even surviving. Factions is better for surviving. Also I think the only kit we need is /kit food.

      Interview #3 with Frenchyfries271

      Me: Do you think Survival should get a reset?

      Frenchy: Yes, for many reasons.

      Frenchy: It hasn’t been reset in a while and the economy is buggy and glitchy. It’s an unfair situation for newer players.

      So Survival is one of the forgotten game-modes. It was very popular over 2 years ago, but has slowly died. It’s already been reset once, but is in dire need of another reset. The economy is inflated, and people can easily get access to over millions of dollars in just a few days. There’s also multiple issues with claiming land. But one of the highest issues between players is the land. It’s almost impossible nowadays to find unclaimed and untouched land. The end is destroyed, the nether is also destroyed, and most of the world is claimed and destroyed. It is in dire need of a reset.

      • GTA -​

      GTA is probably one of the most forgotten game-modes on Mineverse, but why? It’s actually one of the better servers for most people. GTA is a cool copy of the real GTA games. 3D guns, ammo, gangs, rare items, weapons, and cars is what GTA has to offer. The map is also really interesting.

      When GTA first became a game-mode, everyone played it. After a while though, bugs and glitches made gameplay almost impossible. There’s currently loads of rare and illegal items floating around the economy. There’s also multiple glitches within the map, and most people have lost their e-chests. Since it’s forgotten, it probably won’t be fixed, but it’d be nice if it got reset.

      Thank you for tuning in to another weekly update. I am currently away on vacation, so I apologize if the quality of my sections were subpar.

      Also thanks to the entire Weekly Update team:
      Reporter: @Teeeb
      Staff manager: @tin15cro
      Reporter: @Bantz
      Reporter: @Elrak
      Owner: @Memeliodas
      Editor: @Linkin Park
      Reporter: @TheNiceSnake
      Editor/reporter: @Discdog1000

      If you are interested in joining the team, you can apply here!

      See you next week!​
      • Like Like x 4
      Last edited: Jul 31, 2016
    2. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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    3. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
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      Great job this week guys! Love the detail.
    4. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      You missed such a great opportunity right there. I am disappointed.

    5. Lord Jaraxxus

      Lord Jaraxxus Well-Known Member

      Jun 9, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Great job.
    6. mattenphew

      mattenphew Head Moderator Head Moderator Media Team Leader Competition Team Premium

      Jan 23, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Good job!
    7. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      I avoided it on purpose.
      I am not cancer.
      • Like Like x 1
    8. Bantz

      Bantz Boss Member

      Oct 17, 2014
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      i feel proud
    9. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      My mom said she was proud of me
    10. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Love it
    11. Jubba

      Jubba Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Great job! I loved the detail included in this weekly update! Keep up the great work! :)
    12. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      11/10 would news again
    13. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Good work guys :)
    14. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Really? Danqu
    15. SkyWarpz

      SkyWarpz Experienced Member

      May 15, 2016
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      I enjoyed reading this keep the good work up :). Btw you can ask me for an interview on survival about why I quit survival as a whole and why I think it needs a reset because I'am a old survival player and I had most of the spawners on the survival server :)
    16. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      You have to ask one of our reporters for that
    17. Lithiium

      Lithiium Experienced Member

      Feb 27, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Great job!
    18. daesang

      daesang Experienced Member

      Feb 29, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Nice work :p
    19. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Plz I want to be the paper boy wolf
    20. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Word for word,
      "for going rogue, and the no fu**s given attitude"

      But yeah, I'd say that's really all that's to it, lol.

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