[10/12/2014 1:06:23 PM] Anna : >.< [10/12/2014 1:06:29 PM] Anna : rip poke [10/12/2014 1:11:10 PM] Anna : http://gyazo.com/cf29537e58f714281914e49306b62e95 [10/12/2014 1:11:22 PM] Anna : Woof [10/12/2014 1:11:29 PM] Madi <3: uh [10/12/2014 1:11:45 PM] Anna : she looks like a corn dog tbh Anna I'm kind of scared what you talk about with other people.
You're still doing these threads. After 3 conversations with 3 people. Why is it so special that you have to post them on here? Yeah... You talk to the person. Good job.