The members of the shrine group and me are creating a HUGE museum of everyone's head on mineverse . But we don't know the people on mineverse. We need peoples heads on the wall So we are asking you guys the people of mineverse to tell us your IGN or any of your alt's so we can use it for the museum If you want to help with this use this template (its kinda late to apply we already made spawn but you guys can help with the heads) your ign: how long have you been playing mineverse: do you have experience with world edit commands in creative: do you have experience with making heads: why do you love mineverse: why should we trust you: do you believe you could be a leader of this project: so far we have 3 active members of the shrine group me (Co-leader) (@D1amondF1nder11) leader @Ezekiel Zeke ( <--- forums account) ign:ezeminecraft2013 builder: @HipsterChick