Let's dedicate a thread to Blueb.. How about that? Just give him some nice compliments. I'm pretty sure he needs some right now. Template: Lol... Who needs a template to be polite? We love you Blueb!!! You are a big part of this server. You are an amazing Mod, and friend. Overall, You. Are. Amazing.
Blueberry is the best mud in my opinion :> He tries his best when he's online and always helps out any player in need. He's very kind and forgiving, but if they take it too far, he won't hesitate to do the right action.
Bloo, you did well. You never did anything to hurt the server, and you did what needed to be done. We'll miss you :(
Yeah, I know he isn't.. I was just saying before he decided to leave for a bit, he did well.. Hope you're back soon Bloo.
Bloob, you are an awesome mod. You know your stuff, and you are really awesome. I'd just want to say, goodbye. I never had the chance to talk to you in a while, but I know your gonna come back anyways. Cya soon Bloob.
Blue always handles situations and helps to the best of his ability. He is a really cool and awesome guy. Can't wait for you to return here, you're the best man.
You've been an excellent mod, from day one, I could tell straight away that you'd become a moderator, everyone knew that, you are kind, nice, very funny, respectful and helpful, it's been a pleasure meeting you! ;)
bloo you have been the best mod the server ever had i dont think the server could make it without you over all we all will miss u
Blue has done so much for the server. I think he should take the time to actually focus on the things he has to do, after all, you only get one shot at life, don't screw it over with video games, and focus on what you got to do.