Hey All! I'm going to be making WANTED posters that people can use for their profile pictures if they want. Just the name, picture, $ amount, wanted for, and I'll start! They are pretty easy to make so if you want the link to make your own, PM me. Example: Name: Bailey Picture: <link or image here> Amount: 1k Wanted for: <wanted for here> Ones I've Done Already :p: http://imgur.com/gvWsPsn http://imgur.com/LgcmynD http://imgur.com/Uj322Kb http://imgur.com/nJmz3OS http://imgur.com/kWTBISg http://imgur.com/W7KTjuA http://imgur.com/E40Q6u2 http://imgur.com/TrzjM0d http://imgur.com/z7fnuuK http://imgur.com/PwZRlff