mk well since gabe isn't mod yet i quit (jk good luck ... this is taking so long ACCEPT HIM ALREADY) <3 and pfff im still waiting for you to accept my friend request on mv??
Thank you and @benji could you change your no support rating to support, since currently it’s at no support
Um, what’s your IGN? I’m sorry if I was ever rude to you. I don’t recall being mean to anyone and yeah I’m the not most skilled at PVP. Sorry though feel free to msg me in game or PM me on the forums.
him being trash a pvp doesnt mean crap also ive been ingame with him many times and not once been toxic.. got proof?
As benji said, being good pvp has nothing to do with being a good moderator, and as he also said, I've never seen him be toxic. Re-support Gabe. <3