H gys, Yn hr Inspired by a quick thought process, I thought about how important vowels are in the English language, and what would happen without them. Let's take that thought into a test, and see what would happen without them. All you have to do, is post whatever your most recent post was, and then get rid of all the vowels (for those who forget what vowels are, it's the letters A, E, I, O, and U). You'll see that posts won't look as appealing as it did when you originally posted it. Just a few notes before we begin No posting reports, but any of your ban appeals are fine. Do not rate any posts here with bad spelling, as the whole point of the game is bad spelling :p Just so you folks understand this game, I'll go first. gt bt $500 cn gv, bt nt ntrly sr hw 'll gt m th tms, snc my cmptrs brkn. cn stll s Mncht, bt wn't b bl t tll f y gv m th tms." Quality grammar there. Good luck folks!