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    Discussion in 'Help' started by MrScooby_, Jun 2, 2016.

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    1. MrScooby_

      MrScooby_ Active Member

      Oct 3, 2015
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      Hello people of the In Game Support section,

      This thread is being made because I am really ticked off by the voting on Mineverse. Ill get straight to the glitch part. Today, I got my time.gov website ready, spent 5 minutes preparing for 8 PM, I vote a few seconds after 8, and guess what? ..........My vote doesn't show up on the website xD. What the hell? The same thing has happened to me last month 5 days near the 31st. I voted but it....... just decides not to count my vote?

      Speaking of last month, what's up with the top winner with 33 votes? Call me crazy, but if I'm correct I'm sure there are 31 days in May. I don't know who on staff exactly I should talk to about this situation, but I'm just putting this out here. Today it didn't count my vote, I restarted my phone to clear the captcha/cookies to check if I could re-do it but guess what......It says I must wait till tomorrow. So in that case , it had in fact went through but Didn't count?

      Maybe this belongs in the rant section, idk, I just had to get this off my chest.
      If you have any information on this, help is appreciated.

      Thanks, MrScooby_
    2. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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      This happens to me aswell, no idea what it is.
    3. TADS

      TADS Guest

      Locking as inactive.
      Feel free to make another thread if this is still an issue.

      Thank you,
      The Staff.
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