When you vote there is a voting leaderboard. At the moment the top voter have voted 5 times. I voted 5 times and I am not on the leaderboard. Why is this?
Good question, maybe because they voted earlier.. ? I'm not sure, I can't wait to see the answer for this..
The people who get on the "Top Voter List" are the first people, after voting resets to actually vote. Voting resets at: FJT - 12am EDT - 11am AEST - 10am JST - 9am CST (China Standard Time) - 8am ICT - 7am KGT - 6am UZT - 5am GST - 4am EEST - 3am EET - 2am BST - 1am GMT - 12am CVT - 11pm WGST - 10pm WGT - 9pm EST - 8pm CST - 7pm MST - 6pm PST/PDT - 5pm AKST - 4pm HAST - 3pm SST - 2pm WAKT - 1pm
Don't forget that for daylight savings, the hours go ahead by one hour, so for example, AEST votes during daylight savings would refresh/reset at 11am.
What do you mean? We don't have our very own voting plugin, we use Mincraftservers.org Maybe the rewards plugin is faulty, but not the voting system.
Yeah, but the rewards plugin is part of the voting system, and considering that it's faulty, the voting system is faulty, to an extent.
Yes there are problems with the voting system, especially with minecraftservers.org. There have been a few months where I was so close to making it but got locked out for a day or my votes would got lost. It can be rather frustrating, but then again it is just another aspect of the game and its much better than nothing.